That Was the Molecular Biology That Was

Stent, G. (1968) Science 160: 390-395.

In this short retrospect overview, Stent concentrated on the evolution of philosophy (rather than technical or experimental aspects) underlying the major developments in the early phases of molecular biology, paying particular interest in the two converging schools - the Structuralists (biochemists) and the Informationalists (genetists).

The Romantic Phase (1938-1953)

Two schools:


3-D, biochemistry, analog

Informationists School,

1-D, genetics, digital

The Structural School

W. H. Bragg and W. L. Bragg (father and son)

invention of x-ray crystallography (1912)

W. T. Astbury, J. D. Bernal (Bragg's pupil)

structural analysis of proteins and nucleic acids

Linus Pauling

alpha-helix (1951)

novel approach - guesswork plus model building

Max Perutz, John C. Kendrew

structures of hemoglobin and myoglobin

Nonrevolutionary influence on general biology

preoccupation with structure rather than information

down-to-earth view of the relation of physics to biology - all biological phenomena can be accounted for in terms of conventional physical laws

There was hardly any common ground between genetics on the one hand, and physics and chemistry on the other.

The Informational School

Niels Bohr

Some biological phenomena might turn out to be not accountable wholly in terms of conventional physical concepts

'Uncertainty principle' - the impossibility of describing the quantum of action

The encounter of what appears to be a deep paradox eventually leads to a higher level of understanding.

The difficulty to understand life in physical terms is 'that the conditions holding for biological and physical researches are not directly comparable, since the necessity of keeping the object of investigation alive imposes a restriction on the former, which finds no counterparts in the latter. Thus we should doubtless kill an animal if we tried to carry the investigation of its organs so far that we could describe the role play by single atoms in vital functions'

Max Delbröck (Bohr's pupil)

Genetics is a domain inquiry in which physical and chemical explanations might be insufficient.

Romantic expectation for the discovery of new physical principle(s) ('other laws') from the study of genetics.

In search of complementarity and paradoxes.

Gene as a molecule -

size estimated from genetic studies (physical mutagenesis) comparable to those of the largest known molecules

stability, low mutation frequencies,

mutations - discontinuous, saltatory changes

1938 - chose bacteriophage as ideal objects for study of biological self-replication, and the physical basis of heredity.

Erwin Schrödinger

'What is Life' (1945)

A new frontier was now ready for some exciting development. 'The inability of the present-day physics and chemistry to acount [for the events which take place in a living organis] is no reason at all for doubting that they can be accounted for by those sciences.'

The real problem requiring explanation is the physical basis of genetic information.

The dimensions of genes are not very large relative to those of atoms.

Chromosomes as a periodic crystal composed of a succession of a small number of isomeric elements, the exact nature of succession representing the hereditary code.

The phage group

Max Delbröck, Salvador Luria, Alfred Hershey, Martha Chase

Introduction of bacterial and bacteriophage genetics

'though the immediate conclusions drawn from the results of the experiments of the romantic phase were almost always right, the more general and really interesting speculations built upon these first-order conclusions were mostly wrong.'

No paradoxes cropped up.

The dogma phase (1953- 1963)

James Watson and Francis Crick

Discovery of double helix

Structuralism and Informationalsm joined hands

'introduced genetic reasoning into structural determination, by demanding that the evidently highly regular structure of DNA be able to accommodate the informational element of arbitrary nucleotide base sequence along the two paired polynucleiotide strands.'

'opened up enormous vistas to imagination'

formulated the central dogma

DNA -> RNA -> protein

genetic code for translation of nucleotide sequences to amino acid sequences

oligonucleotide 'adaptor' molecule -> transfer RNA

François Jacob and Jacques Monod

messenger RNA (with Crick et al.)


Contrast between the two phases:

Romantic phase

'still groping for the still unimaginable'

The two Schools had less to say to each other in terms of real intellectual communication than one might expect

Still romancing with possible paradox which may help revealing 'other laws of physics'

Dogma phase

'test and elaboration of the clearly stated central dogma'

The two Schools began to converge.

'No paradoxes had come into focus, no "other laws of physics" had turned up'. Eventually all hopes for paradoxes were abandomed.

The Academic Phase (1963 - )

'to iron out the details'

A formidable (but 'can at least be imagined') detail


The last frontier - as of 1968 and as of today

The higher nervous system

'the most ancient and best knwon paradox in the history of human thoughts: the relation of mind to matter, or free will to determinism

Perhaps, history may be repeated in the approaches to the studies of brain:

Structuralism vs. Informationalism

Is memory an analog structure or digital code?

Created on ... octobre 04, 2003