9, rue de la Fédération
     75739 Paris CEDEX 15, France
The IEA's  Monthly Electricity Statistics provides timely electricity production and trade data for all OECD Member Countries. It aims to report as up-to-date and consistent information as possible for the last four months. It also provides previous annual data and year-to-date indicators.
Data is at the individual country level as well as in organisational and regional groupings. These groupings include: OECD Total, OECD Europe, OECD North America, OECD Pacific and IEA Total. The units are TWh for the groupings and GWh for the single countries.
March 2007 vs. March 2006
Total OECD production reached 858.8 TWh, an increase of 0.6% or 5.1 TWh over the same month last year.
- Combustible Fuels grew by 2.7%, increasing by 8.8% in OECD North America and 7.4% in OECD Pacific while declining by 8.8% in OECD Europe.
- Hydro and Nuclear production decreased by 7.7% and 1.3% respectively for the OECD as a whole. The Hydro production declined in all regions, while the decline of Nuclear production was driven by OECD Europe.
- Geoth./Wind/Solar/Other grew by 22.6%, with the strongest growth of 26.9% in OECD Europe.
January-March 2007 vs. the same period in 2006
Total OECD production reached 2 573.7 TWh, an increase of 0.5% or 12.6 TWh over the same period last year.
- Geoth./Wind/Solar/Other shows the strongest growth at 22.6%, driven by a 30.7% growth in OECD Europe.
- Combustible Fuels grew by 1.3%, with the strongest growth of 9.2% in OECD North America.
- Hydro and Nuclear production decreased by 2.3% and 1.5% respectively.
Jan-Mar 2006 Jan-Mar 2007
Total =  2 561 TWh Total =  2 574 TWh
© OECD/IEA, 2007 International Energy Agency