1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
USA    United States
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 4.43 4.28 4.45 3.66 0.51 2.19 3.12 4.66 3.72
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.56 4.79 5.11 4.67 2.45 3.42 3.15 3.84 3.16
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 1.80 1.41 3.12 1.81 2.81 3.62 3.87 2.53 1.88
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 8.86 10.30 8.27 6.11 -2.23 -2.19 3.93 7.31 6.04
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 4.26 5.32 5.41 4.52 1.58 2.38 3.37 4.24 3.47
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 4.67 5.43 5.34 4.39 0.67 2.79 3.34 4.51 3.66
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 12.27 2.14 4.31 8.74 -5.23 -2.39 2.02 10.41 10.61
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 13.67 11.76 11.47 13.13 -2.62 3.32 3.98 7.43 8.08
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 1.95 1.23 1.45 2.18 2.37 1.54 1.66 1.70 1.57
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 1.94 1.07 1.66 2.49 2.04 1.36 1.83 1.86 1.45
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 3.20 4.98 4.51 6.75 2.61 2.13 2.98 4.28 4.82
UNR       Unemployment rate 4.90 4.50 4.22 3.99 4.75 5.79 5.99 5.53 5.23
ET        Total employment 2.25 1.47 1.54 2.55 0.03 -0.33 0.92 1.03 1.75
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -0.90 0.30 0.85 1.62 -0.15 -3.30 -4.75 -4.68 -3.87
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -1.70 -2.50 -3.14 -4.19 -3.90 -4.59 -4.93 -4.75 -4.84
IRS       Short-term interest rate 5.70 5.50 5.36 6.48 3.73 1.76 1.17 1.31 2.85
JPN    Japan
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 1.80 -1.10 0.06 2.84 0.43 -0.35 2.68 3.03 2.76
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 0.76 0.06 0.16 0.97 1.68 0.88 1.07 1.70 1.52
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 1.33 1.93 4.63 4.90 2.98 2.38 1.18 2.03 2.30
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 0.97 -4.02 -0.86 2.74 -1.06 -6.09 3.27 3.38 1.90
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 0.91 -0.85 0.55 2.08 1.13 -0.78 1.66 2.20 1.75
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 0.86 -1.46 0.18 2.37 1.16 -1.03 2.02 2.20 1.90
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 11.24 -2.33 1.45 12.43 -6.14 7.97 10.02 12.53 12.11
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 1.22 -6.82 3.33 9.25 0.09 1.95 4.85 6.94 7.23
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 0.36 -0.06 -1.49 -1.95 -1.52 -1.17 -2.51 -1.78 -1.06
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 1.02 -0.13 -0.71 -1.25 -1.58 -1.31 -1.38 -1.24 -0.66
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 1.63 -0.82 -1.18 0.33 -1.14 -2.19 -0.32 0.27 0.41
UNR       Unemployment rate 3.40 4.10 4.68 4.73 5.03 5.36 5.26 4.97 4.58
ET        Total employment 1.09 -0.65 -0.80 -0.25 -0.53 -1.27 -0.23 0.01 0.30
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -3.70 -5.50 -7.23 -7.48 -6.13 -7.89 -7.96 -7.05 -6.60
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 2.20 3.10 2.57 2.52 2.11 2.83 3.13 3.76 4.39
IRS       Short-term interest rate 0.60 0.70 0.25 0.25 0.12 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.03
DEU    Germany
GDPVJ     Gross domestic product- working day adjusted -  volume 1.40 1.96 1.89 3.09 1.01 0.22 -0.12 1.09 2.14
CPVJ      Private final consumption expenditure-working day adjusted -  volume 0.59 1.76 3.58 2.16 1.52 -1.00 -0.14 0.36 2.11
CGVJ      Government final consumption expenditure-working day adjusted -  volume 0.37 1.22 0.81 0.99 1.04 1.68 0.86 0.10 -0.20
ITVJ      Gross fixed total capital formation-working day adjusted -  volume 0.56 3.00 3.77 3.25 -3.92 -6.47 -2.86 1.34 2.48
FDDVJ     Final domestic demand--working day adjusted -  volume 0.54 1.93 3.06 2.17 0.18 -1.67 -0.50 0.50 1.71
TDDVJ     Total domestic demand--working day adjusted -  volume 0.55 2.40 2.70 2.00 -0.66 -1.57 0.28 0.87 1.72
XGSVJ     Exports goods & services-working day adjusted -  volume 11.25 6.83 5.10 14.38 6.05 3.45 1.08 5.22 7.31
MGSVJ     Imports goods & services-working day adjusted -  volume 8.29 8.89 8.14 11.00 1.20 -1.63 2.49 5.16 6.87
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 0.66 1.11 0.49 -0.25 1.29 1.59 0.99 0.79 0.81
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 2.00 1.10 0.31 1.49 1.58 1.34 0.97 1.10 0.59
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 0.68 0.95 0.97 2.23 1.79 1.45 1.64 1.29 1.59
UNR       Unemployment rate 9.40 8.90 8.05 7.33 7.40 8.07 8.74 8.76 8.47
ET        Total employment -0.17 1.08 1.21 1.78 0.42 -0.62 -1.10 -0.26 0.64
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -2.70 -2.20 -1.49 1.32 -2.84 -3.52 -3.86 -3.70 -3.06
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -0.10 -0.30 -1.04 -1.25 0.21 2.16 2.20 2.80 3.50
IRS       Short-term interest rate 3.30 3.50 2.97 4.39 4.26 3.32 2.34 1.71 1.75
FRA    France
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 1.89 3.49 3.22 4.21 2.10 1.10 0.52 1.96 2.56
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 0.13 3.57 3.50 2.93 2.83 1.83 1.69 1.67 2.46
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 2.10 -0.05 1.48 2.98 2.86 4.64 2.47 2.51 1.23
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume -0.14 7.23 8.33 8.40 2.06 -1.84 0.10 2.81 4.22
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 0.56 3.36 3.96 4.05 2.67 1.72 1.56 2.10 2.51
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 0.66 4.18 3.69 4.49 2.03 1.53 1.35 2.51 2.64
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 12.05 8.23 4.17 13.40 1.86 1.66 -2.52 3.88 7.79
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 7.22 11.86 6.14 15.24 1.59 3.27 0.26 5.92 8.06
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 1.24 0.86 0.43 0.74 1.68 2.43 1.44 1.56 1.61
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 1.40 0.58 0.20 1.21 1.44 1.72 1.77 1.49 1.30
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 1.86 1.47 2.10 1.78 2.97 2.45 2.57 2.81 2.88
UNR       Unemployment rate 12.20 11.60 10.75 9.39 8.65 9.00 9.72 9.85 9.63
ET        Total employment 0.56 1.33 1.93 2.63 1.53 0.51 -0.23 0.19 0.54
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -3.00 -2.70 -1.77 -1.40 -1.53 -3.26 -4.07 -3.82 -3.64
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 2.70 2.70 2.86 1.30 1.60 1.95 0.98 0.71 1.20
IRS       Short-term interest rate 3.50 3.60 2.97 4.39 4.26 3.32 2.34 1.71 1.75
ITA    Italy
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 2.03 1.81 1.65 3.16 1.67 0.37 0.36 0.86 1.86
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.24 3.09 2.62 2.75 0.81 0.45 1.25 1.00 2.41
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 0.22 0.35 1.32 1.71 3.93 1.90 2.24 0.35 0.99
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 2.09 4.30 5.07 7.34 1.63 1.26 -2.11 -0.02 5.23
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 2.45 2.83 2.88 3.50 1.52 0.87 0.72 0.67 2.73
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 2.71 3.12 3.16 2.41 1.35 1.34 1.31 1.23 2.70
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 6.39 3.58 0.09 9.66 1.59 -3.37 -3.89 2.37 5.66
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 10.11 8.99 5.55 7.13 0.48 -0.22 -0.65 3.76 8.61
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 2.39 2.68 1.57 2.18 2.65 3.07 2.94 2.49 2.37
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 2.24 2.14 2.14 2.90 2.75 3.09 2.50 2.34 2.27
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 3.17 -0.85 2.49 2.86 2.84 2.22 3.28 3.03 2.87
UNR       Unemployment rate 11.80 11.90 11.53 10.68 9.62 9.10 8.77 8.59 8.47
ET        Total employment 0.38 1.07 1.24 1.86 2.04 1.47 0.97 0.46 1.28
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -2.70 -2.80 -1.77 -0.67 -2.67 -2.41 -2.49 -3.14 -3.92
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 2.90 1.90 0.66 -0.59 -0.10 -0.80 -1.53 -1.96 -2.85
IRS       Short-term interest rate 6.90 5.00 2.97 4.39 4.26 3.32 2.34 1.71 1.75
GBR    United Kingdom
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 3.45 2.99 2.80 3.78 2.13 1.64 2.22 3.08 2.65
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.84 3.82 4.41 4.56 3.10 3.37 2.54 3.80 2.49
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 0.05 1.55 3.17 1.92 1.73 2.50 1.84 1.96 1.90
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 7.07 13.23 1.59 3.62 3.61 1.82 2.86 6.38 6.02
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 3.65 5.01 3.69 3.91 2.94 2.95 2.47 3.90 2.99
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 3.92 5.11 3.84 3.76 2.72 2.78 2.46 4.11 3.12
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 8.27 3.05 4.28 9.44 2.52 -0.41 -0.11 4.19 8.75
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 9.68 9.62 7.89 9.12 4.46 3.96 0.89 7.48 9.26
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 2.87 2.93 2.31 1.41 2.31 3.27 3.09 2.35 2.14
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 2.33 2.70 1.70 1.13 2.23 1.29 1.50 1.53 1.79
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 3.94 6.00 4.69 6.19 5.02 2.79 4.34 5.16 4.73
UNR       Unemployment rate 6.50 5.90 6.07 5.54 5.12 5.17 5.03 4.76 4.77
ET        Total employment 1.97 1.14 1.31 1.10 0.79 0.71 0.88 0.83 0.67
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -2.20 0.40 1.11 3.86 0.70 -1.59 -3.22 -2.90 -2.88
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -0.20 -0.60 -2.70 -2.53 -2.36 -1.71 -1.71 -2.33 -2.73
IRS       Short-term interest rate 6.80 7.30 5.45 6.11 4.97 3.99 3.67 4.52 5.56
CAN    Canada
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 4.28 3.93 5.53 5.26 1.92 3.28 1.71 2.76 3.28
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 4.63 3.02 3.80 4.01 2.65 3.37 3.30 2.57 3.10
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume -0.76 1.78 2.10 2.55 3.66 3.04 3.00 2.46 2.91
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 15.21 2.37 7.25 5.52 4.27 1.29 4.89 6.28 4.88
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 5.46 2.64 4.16 4.03 3.19 2.87 3.56 3.31 3.44
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 6.12 2.30 4.27 4.80 1.43 3.77 4.22 3.17 3.40
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 8.33 8.87 10.68 8.80 -3.11 -0.08 -2.09 6.57 7.09
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 14.24 4.87 7.79 8.00 -5.05 0.65 4.03 8.23 7.86
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 1.14 -0.42 1.74 4.01 1.03 0.98 3.40 1.26 1.65
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 1.61 1.15 1.73 2.22 1.81 1.86 1.71 0.87 1.59
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 5.86 2.53 3.06 4.77 2.19 2.67 1.52 2.47 3.58
UNR       Unemployment rate 9.10 8.30 7.56 6.82 7.21 7.65 7.64 7.33 7.09
ET        Total employment 2.30 2.65 2.79 2.59 1.11 2.22 2.16 1.65 1.53
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP 0.20 0.50 1.61 3.04 1.39 0.77 1.18 1.25 1.33
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -1.30 -1.30 0.26 2.86 2.43 2.02 2.12 2.22 2.29
IRS       Short-term interest rate 3.50 5.00 4.92 5.70 4.00 2.62 2.97 2.14 2.88
AUS    Australia
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 3.47 5.42 4.22 3.26 2.75 3.44 3.34 3.80 3.54
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.97 4.71 4.92 3.08 2.91 4.17 4.36 4.61 3.41
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 2.62 3.38 2.18 4.80 0.64 3.48 3.29 2.99 3.03
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 9.63 7.43 6.44 0.89 -1.80 15.09 9.46 6.56 4.52
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 4.91 5.06 4.76 2.88 1.44 6.42 5.37 4.81 3.62
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 3.28 6.82 5.24 2.11 1.27 6.12 6.46 4.84 3.83
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 11.50 -0.24 4.65 10.91 1.75 0.32 -2.31 5.67 8.32
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 10.45 6.00 9.29 7.55 -4.23 11.87 11.43 10.83 9.01
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 1.82 0.13 0.69 4.27 3.35 2.76 2.75 3.50 2.50
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 1.61 1.27 1.03 3.39 3.60 1.89 1.57 1.86 2.52
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 3.31 2.73 2.78 2.82 4.11 3.93 3.25 3.91 3.83
UNR       Unemployment rate 8.20 7.70 6.97 6.34 6.77 6.31 5.89 5.70 5.51
ET        Total employment 0.80 1.75 2.24 3.01 1.09 1.98 2.37 1.79 1.73
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -0.50 0.60 1.98 0.79 -0.80 0.29 0.77 0.54 0.51
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -3.10 -5.00 -5.71 -4.05 -2.44 -4.28 -5.95 -5.25 -4.50
IRS       Short-term interest rate 5.40 5.00 5.01 6.18 4.90 4.75 4.90 5.67 5.93
AUT    Austria
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 1.59 3.52 2.66 3.42 0.75 1.37 0.75 1.50 2.35
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 1.66 2.75 2.45 3.33 1.38 0.80 1.27 1.26 2.67
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume -1.47 2.76 3.04 -0.08 -1.39 0.07 0.70 0.66 0.67
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 2.00 3.44 2.15 6.25 -2.30 -2.79 4.28 3.30 4.41
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 1.11 2.91 2.49 3.34 -0.04 -0.19 1.86 1.63 2.72
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 1.36 2.95 3.05 2.65 -0.11 -0.33 1.94 1.53 2.71
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 12.36 7.85 8.54 13.38 7.55 3.68 0.96 4.72 6.78
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 12.03 5.88 9.02 11.58 5.87 1.21 2.97 4.34 7.61
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 0.89 0.54 0.70 1.41 2.06 1.36 1.96 1.60 1.13
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 1.51 0.50 0.81 1.43 2.16 1.11 1.77 1.31 1.06
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 2.26 2.66 1.50 2.70 2.34 2.43 1.93 1.95 2.26
UNR       Unemployment rate 5.70 5.70 5.31 4.66 4.79 5.47 5.66 5.90 5.77
ET        Total employment 0.51 0.77 1.40 0.76 0.63 -0.22 0.29 0.27 0.93
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -1.90 -2.40 -2.39 -1.66 0.11 -0.41 -1.42 -1.30 -1.93
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -3.20 -2.50 -3.05 -2.52 -1.93 0.36 -0.63 -0.20 -0.31
IRS       Short-term interest rate 3.50 3.60 2.97 4.39 4.26 3.32 2.34 1.71 1.75
BEL    Belgium
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 3.57 2.25 3.19 3.75 0.69 0.67 1.09 1.99 2.60
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 2.00 2.92 2.28 3.39 0.88 0.37 1.71 1.70 2.20
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 0.25 1.50 3.51 2.70 2.54 1.94 2.78 1.60 1.60
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 6.81 4.26 4.55 3.46 0.48 -2.14 1.07 2.80 4.76
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 2.60 2.90 3.04 3.25 1.16 0.17 1.82 1.91 2.61
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 2.76 3.26 2.43 3.45 0.48 0.98 2.52 1.89 2.58
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 6.13 5.79 5.36 8.62 1.28 0.76 2.12 5.90 7.32
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 5.12 7.52 4.47 8.43 1.05 1.13 3.83 5.86 7.39
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 1.34 1.60 1.39 1.24 1.79 1.70 1.74 1.81 1.67
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 1.83 1.20 1.23 2.34 2.49 1.71 1.81 1.70 1.40
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 2.99 1.84 3.68 1.88 3.63 4.37 1.67 2.90 2.01
UNR       Unemployment rate 9.40 9.50 8.60 6.87 6.67 7.33 8.10 8.29 8.01
ET        Total employment 0.77 1.21 1.36 1.92 1.46 -0.30 -0.40 0.30 1.00
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -2.00 -0.80 -0.46 0.11 0.48 0.01 0.24 -0.16 -0.71
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 5.30 5.10 5.14 3.95 3.71 5.29 3.11 3.14 3.48
IRS       Short-term interest rate 3.40 3.60 2.97 4.39 4.26 3.32 2.34 1.71 1.75
CZE    Czech Republic
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices -0.77 -1.20 0.47 3.25 3.09 1.96 2.92 3.09 3.38
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 2.41 -1.95 1.71 2.47 3.65 3.99 5.45 3.31 3.22
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume -4.39 -2.42 2.27 -0.97 5.35 5.70 0.02 0.20 0.07
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume -2.89 0.10 -1.01 5.34 5.55 0.63 3.65 4.63 4.39
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume -0.53 -1.40 0.95 2.75 4.53 3.21 3.94 3.19 3.07
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume -0.68 -2.13 0.33 4.00 5.08 3.38 4.08 3.12 3.00
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 9.16 9.12 6.10 17.05 11.87 2.77 6.67 9.50 9.71
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 8.08 6.49 5.42 16.96 13.58 4.29 7.57 8.80 8.64
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 8.04 10.68 2.95 1.05 6.31 2.61 2.91 3.28 2.46
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 7.40 9.08 3.72 2.85 3.81 -0.09 0.15 2.99 2.51
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 8.21 4.77 4.38 6.37 6.67 6.67 6.85 6.79 5.99
UNR       Unemployment rate 4.80 6.50 8.79 8.86 8.20 7.33 7.83 8.29 8.29
ET        Total employment -0.61 -1.37 -2.26 -0.71 0.19 0.97 -0.69 -0.50 -0.00
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -2.40 -2.40 -3.68 -4.03 -5.81 -7.08 -7.35 -8.36 -8.10
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -6.10 -2.40 -2.66 -5.28 -5.72 -6.51 -7.15 -6.18 -5.87
IRS       Short-term interest rate 15.90 14.30 6.85 5.37 5.17 3.55 2.28 1.64 2.00
DNK    Denmark
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 2.97 2.75 2.64 2.83 1.56 1.02 0.43 1.89 2.57
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 2.88 3.56 0.68 -0.72 -0.20 0.62 1.12 3.44 3.12
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 0.84 3.09 1.97 0.89 2.69 2.14 0.48 0.83 0.62
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 10.89 7.64 1.49 6.88 4.87 4.47 -0.45 3.98 4.27
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 3.92 4.30 1.20 1.42 1.76 1.96 0.56 2.88 2.76
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 4.86 4.53 0.07 2.44 1.05 1.94 0.14 3.10 2.87
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 4.14 2.35 12.25 13.44 4.37 4.76 0.28 3.00 6.80
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 10.01 7.45 5.50 13.47 3.45 7.28 -0.38 5.76 7.70
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 2.19 1.92 1.85 2.98 2.05 1.62 2.14 2.06 2.30
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 2.24 1.84 2.44 2.57 2.50 2.15 1.83 1.69 1.78
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 3.80 3.66 3.01 3.66 3.37 1.84 3.94 3.52 3.43
UNR       Unemployment rate 5.60 5.20 4.83 4.42 4.35 4.56 5.64 6.01 5.79
ET        Total employment 1.61 0.40 0.90 0.29 0.20 0.43 -0.98 0.05 0.44
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP 0.40 1.10 3.21 2.54 2.83 1.56 1.19 0.86 1.06
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 0.40 -0.90 1.75 1.46 3.05 2.03 3.03 2.56 2.75
IRS       Short-term interest rate 3.70 4.10 3.30 4.90 4.62 3.48 2.36 1.71 1.75
FIN    Finland
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 6.29 5.33 3.37 5.12 1.07 2.27 1.88 2.47 3.73
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.49 5.11 3.52 3.07 1.85 1.55 3.56 2.97 2.67
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 4.06 1.67 1.42 0.03 2.40 3.80 0.72 1.40 1.40
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 11.95 9.31 2.47 4.08 3.93 -3.10 -2.26 1.76 3.65
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 5.20 5.10 2.79 2.57 2.43 1.03 1.64 2.36 2.58
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 6.02 5.83 1.60 3.60 1.72 1.27 1.85 1.73 2.58
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 14.13 8.93 6.45 19.27 -0.84 5.12 1.30 4.55 9.18
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 11.30 8.45 3.52 16.89 0.22 1.90 0.86 4.79 7.76
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 2.06 3.00 -0.21 3.19 2.99 0.91 0.70 0.57 1.71
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 1.35 1.74 1.19 3.61 3.47 3.15 1.69 0.77 2.00
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 2.78 4.42 2.33 4.17 5.22 1.34 3.55 3.64 3.91
UNR       Unemployment rate 12.70 11.40 10.26 9.83 9.15 9.11 9.05 8.88 8.26
ET        Total employment 2.03 2.36 3.32 1.72 1.43 0.17 -0.32 -0.04 1.40
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -1.50 1.30 2.18 7.09 5.20 4.25 2.12 1.57 2.07
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 5.60 5.60 5.64 7.39 7.19 7.63 5.67 6.51 6.94
IRS       Short-term interest rate 3.20 3.60 2.97 4.39 4.26 3.32 2.34 1.71 1.75
GRC    Greece
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 3.64 3.36 3.42 4.45 4.04 3.86 4.16 3.96 3.52
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 2.69 3.51 2.46 2.04 2.85 2.84 4.02 3.83 3.17
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.01 1.71 2.08 2.23 -1.01 5.78 6.00 2.32 0.86
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 6.84 10.57 11.03 7.99 6.53 5.72 12.63 7.61 5.02
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 3.49 4.59 4.11 3.33 3.16 3.87 6.28 4.57 3.35
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 3.47 4.57 3.78 3.75 2.93 3.96 6.32 4.56 3.34
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 20.04 5.25 18.13 14.12 -1.05 -7.70 1.57 5.88 7.95
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 14.17 9.24 15.04 8.89 -3.36 -4.72 10.24 7.34 5.87
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 6.80 5.25 3.01 3.37 3.51 3.86 3.64 3.78 3.64
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 5.56 4.49 2.34 3.31 3.42 3.38 3.48 3.44 3.34
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 11.34 4.69 6.91 5.40 5.36 6.80 5.66 6.06 5.96
UNR       Unemployment rate 9.80 11.10 11.89 11.18 10.53 10.18 9.46 8.77 8.39
ET        Total employment -0.60 4.13 0.02 -0.16 -0.34 0.09 2.22 1.71 1.36
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -4.00 -2.40 -1.80 -2.02 -1.42 -1.51 -3.03 -3.20 -2.91
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -4.10 -3.10 -6.22 -8.71 -8.10 -7.57 -6.48 -6.33 -6.12
IRS       Short-term interest rate 10.40 11.60 8.86 4.39 4.26 3.32 2.34 1.71 1.75
HUN    Hungary
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 4.57 4.86 4.20 5.16 3.85 3.50 2.94 3.28 3.81
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 1.87 4.76 5.43 3.83 5.66 10.17 7.56 3.00 2.30
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.05 2.81 1.69 1.43 6.17 4.97 1.63 -2.00 1.64
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 9.20 13.29 5.89 6.66 5.00 7.98 2.96 6.00 5.60
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 3.80 6.27 4.69 3.97 5.61 8.51 5.21 2.70 2.98
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 3.98 7.76 4.08 5.27 1.91 5.39 5.49 3.51 3.20
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 26.41 16.70 13.06 21.83 7.85 3.74 7.25 12.60 12.40
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 24.62 22.78 12.32 21.08 5.06 6.18 10.32 12.20 11.10
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 18.47 12.64 8.40 9.94 8.56 8.92 7.79 5.82 5.00
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 18.00 13.34 10.39 10.86 8.23 3.67 6.01 6.92 4.76
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 21.35 16.55 1.87 16.87 14.66 11.86 10.92 9.30 8.33
UNR       Unemployment rate 8.90 8.00 7.06 6.47 5.77 5.87 5.93 5.93 5.75
ET        Total employment 0.29 1.46 3.14 1.65 0.39 0.07 1.25 1.10 1.30
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -7.20 -8.30 -5.62 -3.01 -4.71 -9.34 -5.93 -5.23 -4.59
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -2.10 -4.90 -7.83 -8.66 -6.26 -7.08 -8.87 -8.52 -7.57
IRS       Short-term interest rate 20.10 18.00 14.65 11.03 10.80 8.91 8.22 10.36 9.27
ISL    Iceland
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 4.75 4.60 4.18 5.61 2.69 -0.56 4.02 3.80 4.81
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 5.47 10.01 7.34 3.84 -3.04 -1.00 6.40 5.30 5.20
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 2.52 3.40 4.87 4.38 3.10 3.90 3.02 2.70 2.20
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 9.59 26.64 -2.97 14.79 -7.57 -15.11 18.97 10.69 10.71
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 5.68 12.13 4.44 6.34 -2.96 -3.20 8.16 5.94 5.86
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 5.71 12.35 4.27 6.78 -3.73 -2.86 8.08 5.97 6.09
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 5.73 2.08 3.99 5.00 7.67 3.61 -0.72 2.80 6.50
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 8.47 23.27 4.25 8.02 -9.04 -2.51 9.66 8.40 9.50
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 3.49 5.21 2.85 2.84 9.39 5.28 -0.41 2.60 3.91
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 1.87 0.99 2.56 4.45 8.08 3.74 0.54 1.30 3.01
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 2.45 7.37 8.98 10.37 7.49 5.90 3.69 4.82 6.97
UNR       Unemployment rate 3.90 2.80 2.01 2.31 2.26 3.25 3.35 3.06 2.78
ET        Total employment 1.78 3.39 3.67 1.97 1.71 -1.46 1.50 2.10 3.00
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP 0.00 0.50 2.63 2.50 0.17 -0.99 -1.35 0.18 0.99
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -1.70 -6.90 -6.99 -10.17 -4.10 -0.30 -5.64 -7.75 -8.67
IRS       Short-term interest rate 7.10 7.40 8.61 11.15 10.98 8.00 5.74 6.85 8.73
IRE    Ireland
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 10.83 8.61 11.29 10.05 6.20 6.91 1.38 3.43 4.62
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 7.27 7.33 9.62 8.52 5.24 2.63 1.87 3.50 3.98
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 5.45 5.53 7.64 7.55 11.60 9.03 2.06 3.00 3.92
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 17.93 16.54 14.36 6.62 -0.13 1.82 -2.63 3.59 4.80
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 9.21 9.13 10.47 7.88 4.91 3.53 0.84 3.43 4.16
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 9.83 9.39 8.71 8.53 4.38 2.98 2.08 3.48 4.36
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 17.44 21.44 15.17 20.62 8.43 6.23 -5.87 5.50 7.66
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 16.76 25.76 12.10 21.35 6.48 2.38 -5.68 6.00 8.07
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 4.13 5.94 3.82 4.26 5.09 5.44 0.58 1.75 2.43
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 2.78 3.52 3.09 4.07 4.31 5.98 3.96 1.75 2.45
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 6.02 0.34 5.72 5.42 5.76 4.34 3.87 3.97 4.93
UNR       Unemployment rate 10.40 7.60 5.58 4.28 3.91 4.44 4.67 4.77 4.77
ET        Total employment 3.64 10.21 6.26 4.75 2.90 1.36 1.25 1.40 1.60
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP 1.20 2.30 2.25 4.43 1.13 -0.15 0.24 -0.47 -0.79
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 2.40 0.90 0.25 -0.37 -0.66 -0.74 -2.01 -0.40 -0.17
IRS       Short-term interest rate 6.10 5.40 2.97 4.39 4.26 3.32 2.34 1.71 1.75
KOR    Republic of Korea
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 5.01 -6.69 9.41 8.46 3.77 6.95 3.09 5.63 5.87
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.50 -11.75 11.48 8.43 4.90 7.94 -1.43 2.46 4.96
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 1.45 -0.41 2.94 1.60 4.78 6.04 3.64 2.97 2.97
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume -2.21 -21.15 7.99 12.10 -0.53 6.70 3.62 4.71 5.74
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 1.23 -13.95 9.18 8.66 3.15 7.31 0.75 3.24 4.96
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume -0.75 -19.81 13.72 8.47 3.21 7.07 0.04 3.26 5.01
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 21.44 14.10 14.53 19.16 -2.74 13.14 15.68 17.97 13.98
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 3.18 -22.08 27.79 20.38 -4.37 15.27 9.48 14.03 13.54
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 3.14 5.09 -0.23 1.03 3.70 2.72 2.18 1.99 2.32
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 5.46 7.91 3.26 4.69 4.82 2.79 3.44 3.23 3.17
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 3.38 1.95 1.61 3.40 6.94 10.47 8.87 6.08 7.07
UNR       Unemployment rate 2.60 6.80 6.34 4.14 3.77 3.10 3.39 3.29 3.02
ET        Total employment 1.39 -5.27 1.77 4.26 1.97 2.76 -0.13 1.67 1.20
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP 3.60 1.90 2.80 5.56 4.30 6.02 4.69 4.74 5.04
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -1.50 12.80 5.50 2.39 1.66 1.00 2.02 2.23 2.30
IRS       Short-term interest rate 13.40 15.20 6.83 7.08 5.32 4.80 4.30 4.25 4.88
LUX    Luxembourg
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 9.02 5.82 7.82 9.15 1.23 1.28 1.74 2.61 3.60
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.58 3.99 2.56 4.58 4.51 2.32 1.90 2.20 2.50
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 2.96 1.40 7.28 4.77 6.99 4.18 4.10 2.80 2.90
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 14.33 2.78 14.62 -3.50 10.10 -1.40 0.50 1.90 3.30
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 6.06 3.13 6.76 2.26 6.55 1.64 1.97 2.25 2.80
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 6.68 2.94 6.31 5.02 4.22 -0.73 1.99 2.27 2.83
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 13.38 12.91 14.78 16.81 2.61 -0.34 1.85 4.52 5.99
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 11.80 11.53 14.58 14.75 4.75 -1.62 2.02 4.50 5.76
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 2.80 2.64 2.19 3.94 2.17 0.57 1.94 2.91 1.97
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 1.45 1.30 1.52 2.60 3.26 2.27 2.02 1.80 1.60
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 2.65 2.88 4.56 5.27 3.62 2.67 2.19 2.45 3.00
UNR       Unemployment rate 3.60 3.10 2.91 2.64 2.55 2.96 3.78 4.32 4.49
ET        Total employment 1.18 1.99 2.41 2.89 2.48 1.67 1.00 0.73 1.03
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP 3.40 3.40 3.71 6.27 6.26 2.71 -0.14 -1.79 -2.52
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 9.70 9.20 8.88 13.68 9.00 8.21 9.90 10.15 10.60
IRS       Short-term interest rate 3.40 3.60 2.97 4.39 4.26 3.32 2.34 1.71 1.75
MEX    Mexico
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 6.78 4.91 3.74 6.57 -0.12 0.73 1.30 3.50 4.16
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 6.47 5.42 4.30 8.18 2.48 1.31 2.99 3.47 4.39
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 2.89 2.28 4.71 2.38 -1.98 0.14 2.51 2.48 2.03
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 21.04 10.28 7.71 11.36 -5.64 -1.05 -0.43 5.01 6.01
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 8.55 6.01 5.02 8.22 0.34 0.73 2.28 3.67 4.47
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 9.57 6.07 4.27 8.32 0.60 0.72 0.54 3.61 4.43
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 10.72 12.10 12.42 16.42 -3.83 1.51 1.11 7.57 8.10
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 22.75 16.56 14.07 21.48 -1.63 1.42 -0.98 7.60 8.59
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 17.71 15.42 15.21 12.14 5.89 6.93 6.49 5.21 3.80
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 16.47 20.68 14.02 10.37 7.18 5.42 5.02 4.81 3.18
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 21.00 18.00 13.46 11.48 9.30 5.21 5.00 4.56 4.39
UNR       Unemployment rate 3.70 3.20 2.50 2.19 2.42 2.69 3.30 3.52 3.14
ET        Total employment 5.51 2.68 1.37 4.50 0.76 1.42 1.25 2.01 2.60
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP ND ND na na na na na na na
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -1.90 -3.80 -2.88 -3.06 -2.94 -2.15 -1.42 -2.01 -2.36
IRS       Short-term interest rate 21.30 26.10 22.38 16.15 12.24 7.46 6.51 6.00 7.38
NLD    Netherlands
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 3.84 4.35 4.00 3.47 1.22 0.24 -0.72 0.87 2.14
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.00 4.83 4.74 3.52 1.43 0.85 -1.24 0.39 1.74
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.18 3.59 2.49 2.01 4.24 3.77 2.68 -0.43 0.30
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 6.62 4.22 7.79 1.37 -0.10 -4.51 -3.16 0.04 2.82
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 3.85 4.39 4.89 2.65 1.74 0.34 -0.67 0.10 1.59
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 3.92 4.83 4.31 2.64 1.68 0.04 -0.43 0.41 1.78
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 8.83 7.38 5.12 11.31 1.68 0.11 0.05 4.44 6.92
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 9.54 8.54 5.79 10.52 2.42 -0.19 0.62 4.38 6.80
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 2.00 1.71 1.55 3.94 5.39 3.37 2.79 1.34 0.81
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 1.99 1.74 1.78 3.32 4.72 3.14 1.95 1.51 1.01
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 0.87 3.66 2.37 4.87 5.47 4.68 3.74 2.26 0.12
UNR       Unemployment rate 5.50 4.20 3.15 2.64 2.02 2.32 3.46 5.02 5.13
ET        Total employment 3.44 3.27 2.97 1.65 2.13 1.09 -0.57 -0.93 1.17
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -1.10 -0.80 0.66 2.20 -0.04 -1.60 -3.21 -3.12 -2.85
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 6.70 3.40 3.93 2.06 2.10 1.39 1.53 2.64 2.59
IRS       Short-term interest rate 3.30 3.50 2.97 4.39 4.26 3.32 2.34 1.71 1.75
NZL    New Zealand
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 2.87 -0.64 4.69 3.71 2.65 4.34 3.03 3.31 2.49
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 2.14 1.42 3.97 2.04 2.18 4.18 5.25 3.99 1.87
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 7.05 0.12 7.60 -1.87 4.17 2.64 2.63 6.00 2.59
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 0.80 -4.67 4.35 7.19 -0.52 8.94 13.67 7.31 1.65
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 2.74 -0.12 4.71 2.27 1.99 4.81 6.45 5.06 1.96
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 2.48 -0.59 5.80 1.82 2.32 5.14 6.07 5.38 1.93
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 3.72 1.21 8.03 6.54 2.36 5.79 1.13 6.72 8.56
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 2.41 1.41 11.86 0.18 1.58 8.76 10.09 11.73 6.56
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 0.17 1.21 -0.10 2.44 4.65 0.60 2.01 3.02 1.80
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 1.21 1.77 0.32 2.07 2.08 2.03 0.54 1.21 1.55
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 2.57 1.12 1.20 3.17 0.90 2.70 3.21 3.90 3.50
UNR       Unemployment rate 6.60 7.50 6.80 5.97 5.32 5.18 4.65 4.69 4.88
ET        Total employment 0.40 -0.62 1.48 1.64 2.50 2.93 2.36 1.80 1.10
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP 1.60 -0.20 0.65 1.51 2.00 2.86 3.09 2.86 2.79
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -6.70 -4.00 -6.24 -4.76 -2.58 -3.66 -4.52 -4.57 -3.85
IRS       Short-term interest rate 7.70 7.30 4.83 6.52 5.74 5.67 5.42 5.50 5.50
NOR    Norway
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 4.69 2.42 2.13 2.84 2.73 1.38 0.30 3.10 2.69
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.63 3.43 3.26 3.93 1.78 3.61 3.70 4.53 3.20
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 1.93 3.76 3.16 1.31 5.80 3.05 1.29 1.80 1.85
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 13.88 10.62 -5.57 -3.62 -0.71 -3.38 -2.46 1.70 2.74
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 5.66 5.33 0.94 1.46 2.19 1.91 1.78 3.26 2.77
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 6.26 5.40 0.32 2.41 0.75 2.41 0.92 3.22 2.73
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 6.09 0.25 2.83 3.99 5.03 0.08 0.14 3.53 4.18
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 11.25 8.02 -1.80 2.71 0.94 2.29 1.85 4.10 5.10
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 3.01 -0.70 6.64 15.86 1.13 -1.62 2.85 2.44 2.58
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 2.49 2.62 2.04 3.00 2.31 0.75 2.37 0.92 1.79
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 2.40 7.74 6.22 4.66 6.25 5.71 4.30 3.82 4.22
UNR       Unemployment rate 4.00 3.20 3.21 3.44 3.55 3.90 4.49 4.38 4.19
ET        Total employment 2.97 2.47 0.43 0.48 0.38 0.36 -0.76 0.52 1.00
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP 7.90 3.50 6.09 14.98 13.69 10.07 8.98 10.41 11.52
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 5.60 -0.90 5.30 14.92 15.47 12.87 12.96 12.81 12.99
IRS       Short-term interest rate 3.70 5.80 6.54 6.75 7.23 6.91 4.10 1.89 2.41
POL    Poland
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 6.84 4.87 4.10 3.95 1.02 1.42 3.75 4.67 4.48
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 6.86 4.83 5.20 2.82 2.04 3.37 3.12 3.70 4.27
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.03 1.42 1.85 1.35 0.62 0.63 0.36 0.33 -2.06
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 23.20 15.63 6.80 2.73 -8.75 -5.84 -0.85 5.67 7.55
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 9.68 6.87 5.01 2.61 -0.51 1.06 1.91 3.48 3.82
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 9.75 6.91 4.82 2.84 -1.58 0.92 2.37 3.40 3.94
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 14.49 17.02 -2.56 23.23 3.15 4.84 13.05 13.80 10.32
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 23.86 19.07 0.98 15.57 -5.35 2.59 7.86 9.60 8.57
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 14.00 11.75 6.35 6.72 4.01 1.18 0.65 1.21 1.37
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 14.74 11.55 6.47 9.03 4.66 1.64 0.75 2.16 2.12
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 20.51 15.28 14.67 9.75 12.62 3.95 2.99 4.53 4.91
UNR       Unemployment rate 11.20 10.60 13.94 16.09 18.24 19.93 19.64 19.68 19.22
ET        Total employment 1.39 1.18 -3.90 -1.57 -2.20 -2.99 -1.20 0.71 1.10
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -2.80 -2.30 -1.66 -2.88 -2.90 -3.90 -4.18 -5.70 -5.47
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -4.00 -4.40 -7.60 -5.99 -2.87 -2.62 -1.95 -2.52 -2.45
IRS       Short-term interest rate 23.10 19.90 14.68 18.88 15.72 8.77 5.69 5.50 6.00
PRT    Portugal
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 3.81 3.81 3.80 3.38 1.76 0.51 -1.30 0.84 2.43
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.15 5.95 5.10 2.86 1.20 0.52 -0.75 1.54 2.39
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 2.17 3.04 5.56 4.13 3.28 2.69 -0.61 -0.96 -0.59
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 14.40 9.10 6.39 3.78 0.68 -5.17 -9.60 1.83 6.21
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 5.44 6.20 5.50 3.31 1.42 -0.54 -2.86 1.15 2.72
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 4.97 6.28 5.90 2.92 1.38 -0.55 -2.87 1.15 2.80
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 7.25 7.67 2.90 7.79 2.02 2.55 3.95 5.20 6.36
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 10.04 13.76 8.45 5.53 1.01 -0.51 -0.96 5.23 6.55
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 3.70 3.77 3.08 3.46 4.43 4.65 2.32 2.25 1.66
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 2.90 2.61 2.15 3.26 3.89 3.56 3.44 1.92 1.81
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 5.00 4.50 4.04 6.92 5.20 3.80 3.10 2.23 2.51
UNR       Unemployment rate 6.80 5.00 4.43 3.95 4.08 5.09 6.41 6.59 6.09
ET        Total employment 1.85 2.50 1.37 2.13 1.34 0.25 -0.93 0.33 1.42
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -2.70 -2.30 -2.87 -2.90 -4.43 -2.72 -2.89 -3.79 -3.24
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -5.70 -7.00 -8.47 -10.89 -9.47 -6.67 -5.08 -4.60 -4.96
IRS       Short-term interest rate 5.70 4.30 2.97 4.39 4.26 3.32 2.34 1.71 1.75
SVK    Slovakia
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 6.20 4.10 1.47 2.04 3.79 4.40 4.21 4.29 4.77
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 5.44 5.82 3.17 -0.85 4.75 5.28 -0.41 2.05 4.15
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 4.05 4.04 -7.05 1.58 4.61 4.70 2.86 1.55 1.17
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 11.98 11.12 -19.55 -7.23 13.90 -0.90 -1.15 6.04 8.36
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 7.15 7.16 -6.04 -2.10 7.07 3.47 0.05 2.98 4.67
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 4.32 9.48 -6.30 0.11 7.45 4.24 -2.15 2.75 4.69
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 17.56 12.17 5.03 13.68 6.25 5.49 22.61 13.97 10.89
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 13.10 19.85 -6.66 10.52 11.04 5.23 13.80 12.59 11.07
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 6.59 5.12 6.45 8.45 4.17 3.99 4.66 3.80 2.88
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 6.02 6.11 8.56 10.76 5.93 2.48 7.71 6.60 3.00
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 16.60 10.79 8.32 14.96 5.40 7.11 5.67 6.75 5.41
UNR       Unemployment rate 11.90 12.80 16.36 18.76 19.30 18.63 17.41 16.59 15.46
ET        Total employment -1.07 -1.24 -3.01 -1.43 1.05 0.15 1.80 1.00 1.35
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP ND ND -7.82 -13.50 -6.68 -7.19 -3.63 -4.02 -3.72
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -9.50 -9.30 -4.74 -3.36 -8.20 -7.87 -1.03 -1.74 -2.93
IRS       Short-term interest rate 21.70 21.10 14.76 8.17 7.49 7.50 5.89 4.26 3.50
ESP    Spain
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 4.03 4.34 4.22 4.21 2.84 2.04 2.43 2.85 3.34
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.16 4.50 4.67 3.98 2.84 2.65 2.97 3.34 3.63
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 2.87 3.66 4.15 5.05 3.64 4.38 4.60 4.27 3.62
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 4.95 9.72 8.84 5.67 3.26 1.04 3.02 3.95 5.00
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 3.51 5.52 5.55 4.57 3.08 2.56 3.27 3.65 3.96
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 3.49 5.66 5.60 4.49 2.99 2.57 3.31 3.74 3.86
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 15.34 8.21 7.74 10.00 3.59 -0.01 4.02 5.02 7.18
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 13.25 13.34 12.57 10.58 4.00 1.76 6.65 7.48 8.21
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 2.32 2.40 2.75 3.48 4.18 4.44 4.20 3.46 3.20
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 2.62 2.17 2.38 3.15 3.27 3.47 3.13 2.45 2.60
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 3.39 2.53 2.52 3.86 4.36 4.20 4.75 4.34 4.16
UNR       Unemployment rate 20.80 18.80 12.85 11.03 10.49 11.36 11.30 10.89 10.18
ET        Total employment 2.87 3.46 5.51 5.50 3.75 1.96 2.69 2.80 2.80
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -3.20 -2.60 -1.18 -0.90 -0.39 -0.06 0.33 0.33 0.50
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 0.40 -0.50 -2.32 -3.44 -2.81 -2.39 -2.96 -3.27 -3.41
IRS       Short-term interest rate 5.40 4.20 2.97 4.39 4.26 3.32 2.34 1.71 1.75
SWE    Sweden
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 2.07 3.58 4.58 4.33 0.92 2.10 1.61 2.45 2.84
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 1.98 2.73 3.78 4.98 0.41 1.38 1.98 2.51 2.54
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume -1.24 3.23 1.73 -1.24 0.89 3.16 0.70 1.32 0.27
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume -1.14 8.46 8.16 5.65 -1.05 -3.00 -1.96 1.07 5.95
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 0.53 3.85 3.94 3.25 0.27 1.07 0.90 1.91 2.48
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 0.87 4.30 3.41 3.78 -0.18 0.86 1.14 2.40 2.42
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 13.67 8.43 7.36 11.47 0.20 1.21 5.86 5.67 8.47
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 12.54 11.20 4.87 11.35 -2.49 -1.85 5.40 6.03 8.16
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 1.73 0.86 0.70 1.32 2.31 1.45 2.30 1.37 1.90
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 2.26 1.02 1.20 1.13 2.37 1.79 2.47 0.94 1.67
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 3.51 4.13 0.89 7.61 4.55 2.23 1.99 2.79 4.00
UNR       Unemployment rate 8.00 6.50 5.59 4.67 3.98 3.99 4.88 5.78 5.45
ET        Total employment -1.08 1.45 2.24 2.20 1.98 0.07 -0.24 -0.40 0.93
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -1.60 2.10 2.35 5.07 2.85 -0.26 0.48 0.16 0.56
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 3.80 3.40 4.25 3.91 3.87 4.13 6.27 6.26 5.84
IRS       Short-term interest rate 4.10 4.20 3.12 3.95 4.01 4.07 3.03 2.18 3.06
CHE    Switzerland
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 1.72 2.35 1.31 3.66 1.03 0.16 -0.50 1.80 2.33
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 1.45 2.31 2.28 2.47 2.02 0.72 0.82 1.56 1.85
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 0.00 1.28 0.27 2.43 3.98 0.84 0.67 0.34 0.47
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 1.49 4.52 1.15 4.37 -3.14 -4.80 -0.49 3.36 3.74
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 1.23 2.71 1.77 2.92 1.00 -0.55 0.51 1.81 2.11
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 1.30 4.29 1.76 2.96 1.11 -0.64 -0.05 1.70 2.19
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 8.64 4.98 6.45 12.15 0.16 -0.49 -1.45 6.22 6.35
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 7.57 9.65 4.31 9.48 2.18 -3.08 -0.07 6.20 6.54
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices -0.21 -0.03 0.65 0.82 0.63 1.02 1.22 1.25 0.65
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 0.58 -0.20 0.35 0.64 0.54 1.09 1.06 0.35 0.62
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 3.86 1.00 2.13 2.71 2.92 1.98 1.71 1.29 1.39
UNR       Unemployment rate 5.20 3.90 2.89 2.53 2.51 3.11 4.02 3.84 3.45
ET        Total employment -0.39 1.42 0.80 1.05 1.65 0.57 -0.09 0.69 1.05
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP ND ND 0.03 2.32 0.81 -0.55 -1.25 -1.55 -0.92
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 10.00 9.80 11.45 12.84 8.46 8.49 10.25 11.27 11.58
IRS       Short-term interest rate 1.60 1.50 1.41 3.17 2.86 1.13 0.33 0.35 1.32
TUR    Turkey
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 7.53 3.09 -4.71 7.36 -7.50 7.94 5.79 5.18 5.22
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 8.39 0.64 -2.61 6.17 -9.18 2.10 6.63 5.10 4.80
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 4.12 7.85 6.49 7.14 -8.53 5.40 -2.44 -1.12 0.30
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 14.84 -3.90 -15.68 16.89 -31.54 -1.10 9.99 14.90 12.00
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 9.87 -0.18 -5.58 8.93 -15.11 1.70 6.50 6.70 6.13
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 9.04 0.63 -3.66 9.80 -18.50 9.26 9.31 6.68 6.25
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 19.12 12.00 -7.04 19.18 7.40 11.14 15.98 10.34 8.49
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 22.44 2.33 -3.66 25.40 -24.84 15.83 27.06 14.20 11.15
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 81.54 75.68 55.56 49.90 54.81 44.13 22.51 13.80 9.59
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 82.14 82.96 58.97 50.05 58.82 40.56 21.83 13.40 10.20
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 67.65 80.15 56.12 43.14 43.62 32.02 30.47 20.54 14.12
UNR       Unemployment rate 6.60 6.70 7.51 6.35 8.20 10.13 10.49 10.69 11.21
ET        Total employment -0.12 2.45 1.21 -2.07 -0.26 -0.77 -2.58 0.83 1.41
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -6.70 -4.50 na na na na na na na
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP -1.30 1.10 -1.01 -4.94 2.51 -0.82 -2.87 -3.06 -3.03
IRS       Short-term interest rate 119.20 115.70 96.63 37.01 70.23 64.23 44.03 22.46 16.20
OECD   OECD total (<= 2003)
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 3.52 2.69 3.28 3.93 1.01 1.72 2.19 3.37 3.26
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 2.88 2.95 3.92 3.81 2.09 2.38 2.23 2.80 2.85
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 1.45 1.61 2.94 2.42 2.43 3.16 2.58 1.95 1.65
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 6.29 5.58 5.31 5.65 -1.47 -1.70 2.39 5.11 4.97
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 3.27 3.09 3.95 4.00 1.36 1.66 2.34 3.11 3.06
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 3.41 3.06 3.96 4.00 0.75 1.92 2.46 3.31 3.16
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 11.67 4.23 4.84 11.43 -1.53 1.24 2.86 8.55 9.44
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 10.61 7.33 8.91 12.31 -0.97 2.88 3.89 7.24 8.12
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 3.73 3.21 2.32 2.67 2.87 2.48 1.94 1.68 1.58
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 3.97 3.48 2.57 3.01 2.83 2.08 1.91 1.72 1.53
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 4.81 4.78 3.90 5.25 3.51 2.67 3.15 3.52 3.68
UNR       Unemployment rate 7.00 6.90 6.59 6.10 6.36 6.92 7.11 6.94 6.68
ET        Total employment 1.49 0.99 1.13 1.74 0.53 0.10 0.33 0.78 1.26
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -1.80 -1.30 -0.75 0.28 -1.09 -2.89 -3.68 -3.56 -3.12
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 0.20 -0.10 -0.67 -1.25 -1.11 -1.15 -1.21 -1.03 -0.99
IRS       Short-term interest rate  ND  ND na na na na na na na
EURO   Euro area
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 2.77 3.70 1.68 0.89 0.53 1.58 2.45
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 3.53 2.86 1.83 0.63 1.05 1.34 2.47
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 1.80 2.16 2.56 3.02 2.10 1.25 0.97
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume 5.95 5.32 0.02 -2.41 -0.79 2.03 4.05
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 3.68 3.24 1.58 0.46 0.88 1.46 2.48
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 3.44 3.11 1.09 0.52 1.21 1.76 2.49
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 5.17 12.62 3.47 1.36 -0.21 4.58 7.13
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 7.53 11.21 1.87 0.32 1.70 5.30 7.51
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 1.10 1.37 2.37 2.57 1.99 1.74 1.69
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 1.07 2.12 2.31 2.25 1.91 1.69 1.49
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 1.29 2.39 2.54 2.31 2.28 2.21 2.21
UNR       Unemployment rate 9.41 8.41 7.98 8.36 8.76 8.79 8.50
ET        Total employment 2.01 2.34 1.50 0.47 0.14 0.45 1.14
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -1.34 0.11 -1.67 -2.30 -2.73 -2.78 -2.67
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 0.41 -0.50 0.17 0.87 0.35 0.47 0.60
IRS       Short-term interest rate 2.97 4.39 4.26 3.32 2.34 1.71 1.75