FRA    France 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
GDPV      Gross domestic product -  volume -  market prices 1.89 3.49          3.22            4.21            2.10            1.10            0.52            1.96            2.56  
CPV       Private final consumption expenditure -  volume 0.13 3.57          3.50            2.93            2.83            1.83            1.69            1.67            2.46  
CGV       Government final consumption expenditure -  volume 2.10 -0.05          1.48            2.98            2.86            4.64            2.47            2.51            1.23  
ITV       Gross total fixed capital formation -  volume -0.14 7.23          8.33            8.40            2.06   -        1.84            0.10            2.81            4.22  
FDDV      Final domestic expenditure -  volume 0.56 3.36          3.96            4.05            2.67            1.72            1.56            2.10            2.51  
TDDV      Total domestic expenditure -  volume 0.66 4.18          3.69            4.49            2.03            1.53            1.35            2.51            2.64  
XGSV      Exports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 12.05 8.23          4.17          13.40            1.86            1.66   -        2.52            3.88            7.79  
MGSV      Imports of goods&services -  volume -  national accounts basis 7.22 11.86          6.14          15.24            1.59            3.27            0.26            5.92            8.06  
PGDP      Gross domestic product -  deflator -  market prices 1.24 0.86          0.43            0.74            1.68            2.43            1.44            1.56            1.61  
PCP       Private final consumption expenditure -  deflator 1.40 0.58          0.20            1.21            1.44            1.72            1.77            1.49            1.30  
WSSE      Compensation rate of the business sector 1.86 1.47          2.10            1.78            2.97            2.45            2.57            2.81            2.88  
UNR       Unemployment rate % 12.20 11.60        10.75            9.39            8.65            9.00            9.72            9.85            9.63  
ET        Total employment 0.56 1.33 1.93 2.63 1.53 0.51 -0.23 0.19 0.54
NLGQ      Government net lending -  as a percentage of GDP -3.00 -2.70 -1.77 -1.40 -1.53 -3.26 -4.07 -3.82 -3.64
CBGDPR    Current account -  as a percentage of GDP 2.70 2.70          2.86            1.30            1.60            1.95            0.98            0.71            1.20  
IRS       Short-term interest rate % 3.50 3.60          2.97            4.39            4.26            3.32            2.34            1.71            1.75