The U.S. Gov't Can't Stop It...
Big Oil Hates It...
And For the First Time, The Little Guy
Stands to Come Out Ahead
On an Emerging $6.7 Billion Oil Deal

Nation’s leading financial newspaper calls it
“a big moneymaking opportunity”

Dear Reader,

There’s a multi-billion-dollar deal going down in the U.S. oil markets.

It involves a glitch in the price of oil... a glitch so big, you could drive a semi rig through it.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently said “We are leaving no stone unturned,” when it comes to “fixing” this glitch. Yet, as you’ll see, fixing this glitch is a pipe dream.

And for once, we’re looking at a big oil situation that doesn’t benefit ExxonMobil, BP or ConocoPhillips.

They can’t do a thing about this glitch either, as much as they’d like to. Because here’s what’s getting them really ticked off...

Thanks to this market anomaly, one small, independent refinery in New Mexico stands to rake in enormous profits, estimated at $6.7 billion over the next 24 to 36 months alone. That’s a lot of money for a small company with a market cap just over 1.5 billion dollars.

Yet the small New Mexico refinery is not the only one sitting in the catbird seat...

For investors, this is the chance – finally – the chance for the little guy to come out on the long side of a big oil deal.

Because this is where the money is going to be made in the coming months.

I’ll explain all the details in a moment. But right now, just know this...

Thanks to this unusual price glitch, this tiny refinery can buy oil at perhaps the lowest price in the world.

And according to our research, this refinery stands to rake in billions in profits... regardless of whether oil prices rise or fall... regardless of mild or severe winters... regardless of politics, OPEC, and just about anything else.

JPMorgan Chase recently said “it will take a couple of years before we finally get [this glitch] cleared.” International investment consultancy Société Générale added that “this trend is likely to continue.”

But this situation is moving fast... and this tiny company won’t stay cheap for very long. Our research is resolute on that point.

(And it’s why this special report won’t be available for very long.)

Let me show you exactly what’s happening, and how this company is making a fortune (and even beating the pants off giant oil companies like Valero).

Unusual “Price Quirk” Slams Into This Market

First off, when you want to know how refineries make money, you start with one thing:

Crude oil.

Crude represents upwards of 85% of costs for a refinery. And refineries in the United States have two types of crude to refine, depending on what they can get their hands on:
Brent Crude” is the first. It comes primarily from the North Sea. It sets the benchmark price for crude from all over Europe, Africa, the Middle East – and the Gulf of Mexico.
WTI Crude” is the second. Though named for West Texas Intermediate, or Texas Light Sweet, it's also found in Canada – the world’s 6th biggest oil producer. Just like Brent pricing, all WTI prices are based on the going rate at a single depot. In this case, the one in Cushing, Oklahoma, known as the “pipeline crossroads of the world.”
Most of the huge Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast refineries buy Brent crude. It’s delivered by tankers from overseas. And the refineries pay the going price for Brent.

Land-locked refineries, on the other hand, generally purchase WTI crude. Pipelines funnel WTI to plants throughout the interior of the United States.

In the past, Brent and WTI have sold for about the same price. Any difference in the WTI-Brent Crude Spread is usually pegged at just a few percentage points.

But right now, we’re witnessing a market anomaly of epic proportions.

Brent crude is going for up to 25% MORE than WTI.

That’s a wildly different price for virtually identical raw materials.

How is it possible that the price for the same commodity could get so out of whack?

“Trapped Assets” Provide Huge Opportunity

Quite simply, there’s a GIGANTIC crude glut in certain areas of the interior United States.

It’s a flood so huge, that if a barrel of Brent costs $100 on the shores of Galveston, you’ll pay only about $75 for a barrel of WTI in parts of land-locked New Mexico.

Economists call this unusual condition “Trapped Assets”...

But you can just call it “a life-changing opportunity.”

You see, it doesn’t matter whether a refinery paid a full $100 for Brent, or just $75 for WTI...

It still charges the same price for the gasoline, diesel, and heating oil it produces from that crude!

It may sound crazy... but as The Wall Street Journal reported:
“WTI's discount has been a boon to the refiners that can get the crude, because the price of gasoline and other fuels that refiners sell has kept pace with more expensive Brent crude.”
For the small refiner I’ve been telling you about, this price glitch has already led to record profits.

Last quarter, net income grew a mind-boggling 595% over the previous year.

And if that wasn’t enough...

This company is about to grow even bigger – much bigger, as you’re about to see.

That’s because there’s a hidden “wild card” in this glitch. Few, if any, know it exists. Yet it’s a game changer that stands to ramp up profits even more.

What it means for this company is breathtaking. It’s why this little company is about to crush all of its competitors, including one of the biggest refiners in the United States.

In fact, our research estimates that it’s worth hundreds of millions in additional profits every single year to this company – and big money for investors.

So what is this “wild card,” this “game changer?”

Imagine a “Captive Market”
of 6 Million Consumers

It’s transportation.

Rather, it’s the “ease” of transportation that gives this company additional billions.

You see, this refinery sits near the bordering corners of New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Arizona (we call it the “NUCA Junction”).

And it’s the ONLY active refinery within 350 miles.

Better yet, it processes only cheap WTI crude straight from the NUCA Junction area itself.

That lets it conveniently – and very profitably – sell petroleum products in the Albuquerque, Tucson, and Phoenix markets – home to nearly 6 million people.

Meanwhile, many of its largest competitors are based hundreds of miles away.

So they often end up paying MUCH more for Brent or Brent/WTI mixtures... and then STILL have to ship in gasoline hundreds of miles to the NUCA region.

Take Valero, for example. As the nation’s largest independent refinery, it’s a real Goliath.

Trouble is, its vast operations also mean it has billions invested in refineries that process expensive Brent and other related crudes, such as Light Louisiana Sweet (LLS).

Obviously, this takes a huge toll on Valero’s bottom line. But it gets worse...

Valero’s closest facility to the NUCA area is fully 475 miles away... near Amarillo, Texas!

That means profit-crushing shipping costs on every gallon of gasoline going to the NUCA market.

The very same markets our New Mexico refinery competes in.

Guess who wins?

When you can purchase raw materials at a 25% discount... incur virtually no transportation costs... and sell into a growing population of nearly 6 million people...

Well, that’s how you increase your profits 595% in a year!

And that’s why we expect this company to keep raking in billions in profits – before most investors catch on.

And even after all that... this mega-profit story doesn’t end there...

Oil Glitch Set to Grow Even Bigger...

Just when you think the stars couldn’t line up more than they have... Well, it just gets even better...

You see, while government administrators may claim an end will eventually come to the WTI/Brent price gap that’s making this company rich...

Don’t count on it.

It’s nothing more than bureaucratic double talk.

They’re posturing around a proposed new “Keystone” pipeline to transport WTI crude from interior North American oil fields straight to the Gulf Coast.

In theory, this new pipeline would diminish the WTI glut... “ease” the WTI/Brent price gap... and in turn reduce our little refinery’s competitive advantage.

But there’s just one problem with their argument: It doesn’t have a snowball’s chance... at least not in our lifetimes!

The monster Keystone project – intended to bring cheap oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast – has already gone 3-plus years winding its way through regulatory agencies.

And now, activist groups including The RainForest Network and Friends of the Earth have painted a big fat bull's-eye on these pipelines.

And they’re letting the administration know all about it.

The New York Times recently dedicated a full-page editorial to rail against Keystone. “This page opposes the building of a 1,700-mile pipeline,” the paper asserted.

We believe the Keystone – and anything like it – will get killed before the first pipe is ever laid.

That means our small New Mexico refinery stands to keep on crushing the competition... thanks to the $25 Brent-WTI spread.

And without Keystone, the gap looks to grow even larger:
“The Brent-WTI spread may widen to $40 a barrel or more between now and the middle of 2012.”
That’s a direct quote from Edward Morse, head of commodities research at Citigroup Global Markets.

That $40 gap would mean even more cash pouring straight to the bottom line of our refinery.

For investors, the time to act is right now.

Profits Spilling Out Like
Gold Coins Through A King’s Fingers

In its last fiscal quarter, the refinery I’ve been telling you about raked in roughly $26 in profits per barrel of crude.

And that was with the WTI/Brent spread hovering at $25.

If that spread shoots to $40, the additional $15 a barrel is pure profit. Added to its existing $26 margin, that creates $41 profit on every single barrel.

This coming year, this company expects to refine 150,000 barrels of crude... EACH DAY.

That’s a mind-boggling margin of over $6 million a day... $2.24 billion a year... or as much as $12.2 billion in the coming 5 years.

Imagine for a moment what that will do for a company with a market cap of $1.5 billion... and for investors in its shares.

And it’s not just Valero they’ll be beating. It’s everyone...

Forget the majors like ExxonMobil, BP and Conoco. They’re stuck with billions in costs processing expensive Brent crude.

And will a $340 billion company like Exxon hand you a triple-digit winner? Not a chance.

Give me a company with a $1.5 billion market cap... an unbeatable “competitive moat”... profits spilling out like gold coins through a king’s fingers...

To the tune of a projected $2.2 billion next year alone... up to $6.7 billion in the coming 24 to 36 months...

Yes... Give me that any day of the week.

Why Right Now Is the Time to Get In

No wonder management has already loaded up with an equity ownership of over 47%... and no less than 146 institutions hold shares.

The smart money knows where to put their smart money.

This company is still small. But that’s not going to last.

I don’t expect its $16 share price to last, either.

The future looks extremely bright for this refining company. And even brighter for investors who get in right now.

So what does it feel like to tell the luxury car salesman “I’ll pay cash... thanks to a little ‘glitch’ I found in the oil market?”

Well, here’s how you find out...

You can get all the details about this company, with our complete recommendation and analysis, absolutely free, in our Urgent Investor’s Report, The NUCA Oil Jackpot.

You can begin devouring the details just moments from now.

So how do I know all this?

Our Readers Can Make Money,
Almost Automatically

My name is Mike Ward.

I’m the publisher of The Money Map Report – one the most successful financial publishing advisories in the world today.

Each month, our readers receive a precise "road map" to making money. Just like this one.

We show you where the big money surges are headed – from investment banks, governments, industry and private investors.

Our team has a combined 87 years of hands-on experience helping folks make some very large amounts of money.

That’s one of the reasons the country’s major financial news networks request so much of their time.

(They reserve their official recommendations, of course, for Money Map Report subscribers.)

Our Money Map research group consistently makes spot-on-the-money forecasts... when others simply don’t have a clue.

For example...
In late 2007, we called for oil to shoot past $100 to nearly $150 and then back off. And that's exactly what happened. Readers who took our experts’ advice could have nearly doubled their money... while others were getting killed in the broader markets.
We predicted Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) could cause a major financial crash in 2008. And I don’t have to tell you, that’s exactly what happened. If Washington had heeded our warnings, you and I would be much better off today.
Most investors wouldn’t have touched a bank with a 10-foot pole in 2009. Yet on February 18th, our experts indentified four “hidden gems” among American banks. Throughout the year, investors could have cleaned up, as these four banks skyrocketed as high as 35%, 64%, 84% and 99%.
In 2010, we warned that Greece was a far bigger problem than people were giving it “credit” for... and would become a huge problem for U.S. markets. Since then, we've seen the market trade up and down on the ongoing turmoil linked to Greece's debt... and the potential failure of the entire Eurozone.
Yet our team isn’t resting on its laurels – far from it...

Fox News, Reuters, and CBS MarketWatch
Clamor for this Advice

More recently, our experts recommended a “misunderstood” overseas manufacturing play last year. Right on schedule, it saw triple-digit gains in just over 6 months.

They’ve called the demise of the euro for 166% gains... the run-up in silver for a fast 210% gain... and rode volatility for a mouth-watering 165% return.

And for 2011 and beyond, we’re on a resolute mission here at The Money Map Report.

A mission to track the fastest growing opportunities in the world – and to tell you what others don’t know or simply can’t see.

And we succeed, thanks to our premier global market analysts... led by Keith Fitz-Gerald, one of the world’s preeminent investing experts.

He cut his teeth working for a leading global investment powerhouse before becoming a licensed CTA, advising institutions and qualified individuals on global trading and hedging.

Keith is also a founding Fellow of the Kenos Circle, a Vienna, Austria-based think tank. Its members work with institutional, corporate, and government clients worldwide to predict future economic and financial events.

Fox News, Reuters, and CBS MarketWatch clamor for Keith’s advice, as well as Barron’s, AOL Finance, and Bloomberg. Yet they never get his closely held recommendations. Those profit monsters are reserved for readers of The Money Map Report.

With that level of expertise at our helm, it's really no surprise that in 2011 we’ve already closed out a string of 26 profits. One after another... in the past 9 months alone.

And we’ve got more big winners waiting to be closed out, including two 100%-plus whoppers.

How many times a year do you make 100% and double your money this easily? And continue to rack up gain after gain along the way?

“Just closed my position for a profit of $5,000”

It’s no wonder we get letters like these from our readers, practically every day, year after year...

"I just subscribed to the Money Map Report and already have a $1,100 profit after just four days. Thanks!" Thomas P. DuGroat

“You guys ROCK! Just closed my position for a profit of $5,000 thanks to your recommendation to buy it. Your newsletter is the best thing I have ever subscribed to.” – Jason Townes

“I believe this is exactly what I have been looking for in these VOLATILE markets. Thanks.” – Ralph Fishman

“Profits on Viterra six times in 34 days? Spectacular!!!” – Ted Brown

“I should like to congratulate you on your publication. It is very interesting to read and great value for money. I would not cancel my subscription even for $5000 Dollars.” – Hugh Rosen

“I'm writing you to let you know that as a new subscriber that I'm more than satisfied for the in-depth research you do. I say this from the bottom of my heart. I was down over $325,000 dollars when the market tanked. Thanks to you and your team I made it all back and I'm up over $80,000.” – Warren Cooper

And that’s just a small sample of the hundreds of letters we get each month.

Frankly, it’s not surprising, considering the gains we’ve brought our readers...

Like 108% on the BRIC’s most dynamic companies...

Another easy double on a “hated” energy infrastructure provider...

Even hefty triple-digit-plus gains on a “glittering” precious metals play.

And these returns are just the start of things to come, beginning with The NUCA Oil Jackpot opportunity. It’s all explained in our Urgent Investor’s Report.

And we want you to get your copy ASAP, just for giving The Money Map Report a try – at zero risk, to boot.

There’s little time to waste.

And, of course, this incredible oil play is not all you’ll get. Our research is deep and robust. It’s not a flash in the pan.

We’re able to churn out winner after winner.

In fact, let me share our next recommendation – even before it hits publication...

Perhaps One Of The Biggest Fortunes
Of The Next Five Years

You see, there’s a problem brewing right now. The size and scope of it is so large it’s going to affect hundreds of millions of individuals worldwide.

The problem is surging food prices.

You may remember your parents or grandparents talking about how food used to be so expensive. And it’s no wonder, because the facts are undeniable on this...

The average trip to the grocery store now costs Americans about 85% less than it did in 1919.

Imagine paying $25 for a gallon of milk! Obviously, food is far cheaper now.

But that trend is changing extremely fast. And it’s going to create a very large problem... not just in the U.S., but around the globe.

Mark my words on this... in the coming months, you’re going to see story after story about the skyrocketing cost of food – and every associated link in this complicated industrial chain.

Yet the solution to this problem is here... and it’s now... and it’s about to make select investors a fortune, perhaps one of the biggest fortunes of the next five years...

Because as governments and foundations worldwide rush in, we believe the really big money will be made in only one place: Fertilizer.

Farmers see a yield between 40% to 60% higher with fertilized fields.

There’s no extra land, or planting, or irrigation lines required. That makes fertilizer the most efficient and cost-effective way to produce more food.

Problem is, right now we’re looking at potentially massive worldwide shortages of key fertilizer components such as potash and phosphate.

That’s slowing growth to a crawl for most firms in this sector... at the worst possible time.

Yet we’ve identified one company that’s locked up many of the world’s most productive mines...

If You’ve Ever Wanted To Beat The Herd...
And Capture The Big Gains

While others scramble for raw materials, last year alone this company produced over 20 million tons of potash and phosphate.

The company features local operations in the U.S., India, Brazil, Canada, Australia, China, Argentina and more.

So it enjoys lower transportation and logistics costs... can ideally balance seasonal demand... and tailor products and services to local markets. As worldwide demand for this company’s products soar, we expect their profits will too.

Nobel Prize-winning scientist Norman Borlaug recently summed it all up rather bluntly:
“This is a basic problem, to feed 6.6 billion people. Without chemical fertilizer, forget it. The game is over.”
And we believe this chemical fertilizer leader is ideally positioned to meet the challenge.

Investing legends Ken Fisher and John Paulson recently snapped up over 2.25 million shares each.

And why not? With a P/E of around only 13, this best-of-sector company is priced far more fairly than its peers. It boasts a return on equity of 24% and is sitting on $3.9 billion in cash.

According to our research, the chart on this company looks like a shot to the moon. If you’ve ever wanted to beat the herd and capture the big gains... this is the time to do so.

Earlier this year, potash spot prices were closing near $350 a ton. Yet ScotiaBank commodity market specialist Pat Mohr recently called for a spot price of nearly $650 by the end of next year.

We agree. The volatility in global markets will have little effect on the overall demand for food. Demand is soaring.

Fertilizer prices – and this company’s profits – will follow in lockstep.

This is the ideal opportunity for bypassing the market roller coaster and riding this firm straight to the summit.

You’ll find all the details on this company – including its NYSE ticker symbol, price recommendations and projected gains (which are huge) – in our Urgent Investor’s Report, Harvesting Gains From The Coming Ag Crisis.

You’ll be one of the first to get it as we roll out the details in the next 24 hours.

Like The NUCA Oil Jackpot, this special report is also FREE of charge.

And these Urgent Investor’s Reports are just a small sample of the research and advice you’ll get with The Money Map Report...

How To Take Advantage Of
This Opportunity Today

Every day, our premier global market analysts monitor the fastest growing markets in the world. And they uncover the fastest-growing opportunities within those markets.

For example, over the years, Keith Fitz-Gerald’s readers have had a chance to make:
200% gains on Yingli Green Energy. This firm designs, manufactures and installs solar photovoltaic products in China. But the company’s revenue growth is accelerating... and we expect it to make another 100% (or more) this year by jumping from around $4 a share to more than $8...
109% gains on CNH Global NV. Yet we expect shares to climb at least another 48% in the coming year...
215% gains on Navios Maritime, which ships iron, coal, grain and fertilizer to ports all around the world. And based on revenue growth, we expect to see high double-digit gains over the next 9 to 12 months.
And that’s just for starters.

Anyone who’s listened to Keith’s recommendations had additional chances to bank gains of 135% on Yanzhou Coal Mining... 352% on Sinovac Biotech... 234% on FXE... 300% on SilverCorp (in 30 days!)... and many more.

So it’s not surprising Keith Fitz-Gerald was named a Business Visionary by Forbes... and was recently profiled in "SuperSectors," along with Jim Rogers, Marc Faber and a handful of the world’s financial superstars.

Our team of global investment experts also brought their readers lucrative plays such as a 166% gain off the VIX... a 371% gain on emerging markets... even a 455% gain on SPY (in two months!) – all while the S&P bounced around like a pogo stick.

And now our analysts are ready to hand YOU these same kinds of recommendations and research – as a Money Map Report subscriber.

You see, The Money Map Report expert team brings it all to you... wherever the money is to be made... whatever the trend...

Whether it’s the next commodity cycle (we’ve got you covered with the NUCA oil jackpot)...

The coming global crisis (you’re covered with our agriculture play)...

You name it – the looming bond bubble... the latest tech breakthrough... pharma and biotech advances...

We bring you the most powerful trends... the best “under the radar” windfall opportunities.

And there’s another opportunity breaking right now... and we think it’s the best precious metal play out there.

The Market’s Next Great Profit Play

It’s a Canadian miner that’s a true rarity among juniors. Forget shaky accounting tricks and Pollyanna growth projections.

This one comes with a proven history of strong production – already on the books. Not surprisingly, as I write this, shares are up over 100% so far this year...

But for this little-discussed company, the best is yet to come.

It produced over 68,000 ounces of gold in 2010... is aiming for upwards of 80,000 this year... all with the goal of ramping up annual production to a mammoth 200,000-plus ounces in the next few years.

No wonder last quarter’s revenues jumped a hefty 32% over same quarter 2010. We like this company for its short- and long-term growth potential. And we’re not the only ones...

Highly-respected institutions with large holdings include Renaissance, Oberweis and Sprott.

Sitting on over $50 million in cash and with no long-term debt, it’s a bargain compared to its peers based on virtually every valuation metric.

Yet with shares at around $10, there’s plenty of room to run as gold continues its bull march higher.

Even a small investment here could soon mean sizable cash in your pocket.

You’ll find this company’s name and NYSE ticker symbol in our complimentary new Urgent Investor’s Report, Profiting From the Global Rush to Gold.

We'll send you this report right away, FREE of charge, when you take a trial subscription to The Money Map Report.

That’s in addition to The NUCA Oil Jackpot and Harvesting Gains From The Coming Ag Crisis Investor Reports, which you’ll also get for free.

Here's how to profit handsomely –
and quickly – from The Money Map Report

Your complimentary Urgent Investor Reports will include every detail and instruction for pocketing substantial gains in the coming weeks and months.

The Money Map Report keeps you ahead of the curve – around the clock... around the globe...

Every month, you’ll get a stream of new recommendations and moneymaking research in The Money Map Report.

This confidential report is mailed and e-mailed to you each month to give you recommendations as fast as possible, so you can position yourself for significant gains right away.

And you'll also get flash e-mail updates on all of our recommended plays, along with trends, analysis and details on other special investing opportunities including...
Continuous Portfolio and Market Updates... so you know exactly where we stand on our select portfolio of current recommendations...
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Immediate Safety Alerts: When it's time to exit a position and lock in gains, you'll get an instant alert with precise instructions.
"In Country" Reports from China and Other Emerging Countries... Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald lives part time in the Far East and travels regularly throughout Asia as he has for the past 20 years. His connections in industrial, political and financial circles can alert you to the best investments first... for the biggest potential gains.
These and other benefits are all detailed in the Welcome Kit you'll receive when you try our risk-free membership to The Money Map Report.

Real cash you can take to the bank

I strongly encourage you to check out everything The Money Map Report has to offer right away.

And we think when you see the quality of recommendations you get, you would be very happy to pay the list price of just $129 per year.

But we’re going to do better than that...

Right now you can join us for – hold on to your hat – less than half price. I’m talking about just $49.50 for a full year – a little over 13 cents a day.

Has anyone in the history of publishing ever offered someone the chance to make extreme amounts of money for just 13 cents? I don’t think so.

Investment and brokerage firms pay thousands of dollars every single month to get these kinds of recommendations and research on a regular basis. And even at those high prices, it's worth it.

Yet it’s simply our mission to help investors get ahead... and make the kind of money they need to live a worry-free lifestyle.

A Precision-Guided Map that Lets You Follow the Money – and the Profits – with Ease

We believe that regular individuals should have the same advantages as the hedge fund managers... the big bankers... and the private equity elites.

You know as well as I do... they’ve all got teams of seasoned experts working for them 24/7.

Shouldn’t you have a world-class financial team on your side as well?

So let me be perfectly blunt here...

If you’re tired of the same song and dance from CNBC and the rest of media blowhards... who change their tune faster than a Vegas cover band...

If you’re an avid follower of money, the markets and the biggest global investment opportunities...

Then we want you to get The Money Map Report.

We’re here to level the playing field... to make investing in the markets a fair fight... to show you how to profit over and over from the next wave of profit opportunities.

And believe me, they’re coming – and they’re coming fast.

Granted, not everyone can appreciate the potential of these kinds of opportunities. But I believe you’re one who does.

And I know that just ONE successful recommendation from us could earn you many times the cost of our research, starting with your first Urgent Investor’s Report.

The “NUCA Oil Jackpot” is a serious – and timely – opportunity that could have a profound impact on your wealth.

Get the Best Opportunities at
Absolutely No Risk

At The Money Map Report, we bring you the best opportunities, the most in-depth research, and the most thoughtful (and profitable) insights that can be gotten anywhere... at any cost.

Every month in The Money Map Report, Keith Fitz-Gerald and our team of experts show you how to make far more money than you could ever dream possible... and with less risk and less work.

We’ve been ahead of the curve on the demise of the euro... ahead of the curve on the historic market volatility of 2011... ahead of the curve on the surge into precious (AND industrial) metals...

Getting in early on the “NUCA Oil Jackpot” is just the first of many high-profit opportunities we’ll be rushing to you.

And if that wasn’t enough... there’s zero risk on your part.

So go ahead and sign up right now – at half price. Grab all the extensive research reports I've mentioned:
The NUCA Oil Jackpot
Harvesting Gains From The Coming Ag Crisis
Profiting From the Global Rush to Gold
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And I insist that you keep everything you've received up to that point, for free, just as our way of saying "thank you" for trying The Money Map Report...

But right now, time is of the essence. The opportunities I’ve told you about are still “under the radar” of most investors.

It's Time To Secure Your Financial Future

I can see a day not long from now when you wake up, check The Wall Street Journal and see an amazing story about how the shares of one small refinery have doubled on this glitch in the price of oil.

Most investors will miss out. We know that already. And they’ll regret it.

Not you. You will have already had the chance to get in the NUCA Oil Jackpot ahead of the masses... and in time for serious, professional-level gains.

We’d love for you to be one of those lucky individuals.

That’s why it’s so important to act now. Take one simple step to ensure your wealth. It’s really that simple.

Give The Money Map Report a try right now, while you can still get it for pennies and with zero risk, to boot.

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Mike Ward
Publisher, The Money Map Report

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