operating units type of mining status type of ore depth Text Box: Ž
Mt ore Cu % Zn % Text Box: Ž
S %
Ag g/t Au g/t kt Cu Kt Zn t Ag t Au
Sibaiskoye openpit 1 Cu Zn Au -389 A+B
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1.11% 0.46% 43.91%
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0.48 30.6 12.7 13.26 1.32
 "Novo" Sibaiskoye below openpit 2 Cu Zn Au -389/630 B+C1 23.033 1.12% 1.00% 41.12% 6.34 0.70 257.2 230.0 146.10 16.19
"Lower" Sibaiskoye  Underground 2 Copper pyrite -380/469 B+C1 4.991 2.82% 0.11% ? 2.08 0.33
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5.6 10.37 1.66
Bakr-Tau openpit 1 Cu Zn Au -56/160 C1
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1.00% 2.15% 6.97%
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0.90 1.8 3.8 2.92 0.16
Tash-Tau openpit 1 Copper pyrite -55/152 C1 + C2 0.356 2.50%   29.42% 11.90 1.60 8.9 4.24 0.57
Balta-Tau  openpit 1 Cu Zn Au -40/270 C1 + C2 1.041 1.00% 5.41% 9.17%
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2.49 10.4 56.3 46.23 2.59
Malskoye openpit 3 Cu Zn Au -57/210
Text Box: C1=0.988
1.097 1.10% 4.45% 7.75% 20.00 1.00 12.1 48.8 21.94 1.10
Yubilenoiye  openpit/underground 2 Cu Zn Au -52/586 B+C1 Text Box: Ž
1.55% 0.74% 41.68% 16.00 1.20 1 655.7 789.7 1 709.01 128.18
Yubilenoiye (auriferous) openpit 2 Au -52/80 B+C1
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      11.10 8.10 3.17 2.32
Podolskoye principal underground 3 Cu Zn Au -550/700
Text Box: B= 17.858
C1= 62.921
84.116 2.01% 1.30% 40.25% 27.60 1.49 1 688.0 1 092.2 2 321.61 125.33
East Podolskoye underground 3 Cu Zn Au -250/750
Text Box: C1 = 5.580
C2= 4.800
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1.82% 1.64% 20.31%
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1.00 189.0 170.0 207.60 10.38
North Podolskoye underground 3 Cu Zn Au -440/550 C1 4.460 3.48% 3.01% 27.59% 43.70 2.24 155.3 134.4 194.90 9.99
East Semenovskoye underground 3 Cu Zn Au -50/390 C1+C2 1.350 0.60% 4.16% 9.92% 41.46 5.43 8.1 56.2 55.97 7.33
Kamagan openpit 3 Cu Zn Au -50/? C1+C2 0.474 2.13% 0.85% ? 14.86 1.65
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4.0 7.04 0.78
North Sibaï & other pods openpit/underground 3 Cu Zn Au ?/? C2 1.306 1.72% 3.11% ? 7.43 0.75
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40.6 9.70 0.98
Totals 242.637 1.73% 1.09% 19.59 1.27 4 190.4 2 644.4 4 754.1 308.9
Text Box: 1 nearing depletion.  2 in course of development. 3 to be developed.
Origin of data
BMSK extraction programme
BMSK meetings
Baschpolymetal report