The Discovery of Global Warming
July 2004     HOME

Where to Find Other Information

For information on climate change today, for basic facts try the Global Warming FAQs from the Union of Concerned Scientists or the multi-media presentation by the National Academy of Sciences. Most newspapers, magazines, and television are deeply inadequate on this topic. There are many good books, but they go out of date quickly. Web sites worth visiting at this time (July 2004) include:

Information and technical reports

  • A teachers' guide from Carnegie-Mellon is one place to start
  • A U.S. government-sponsored Global Change Research Information site includes answers to basic questions and many news items
  • Realistic Ways You Can Combat Climate Change, Today
  • The interagency U.S. research program includes news items and reports assessing impacts
  • The IPCC sitehas technical reports and summaries
  • The National Academy Press has many key reports (search on "climate")
  • Congressional Research Service reports
  • 7 Crazy Things That Are Going To Happen As Sea Levels Rise
  • Controversy and action

  • Stephen Schneider's climate change site has extensive resources on current science, media relations, news, etc. and an essay on recent controversies
  • The Pew Center on Climate Change offers news and policy-related reports
  • The World Resources Institute (mainstream environmentalism) has reports and What business can do
  • The industry-funded Cooler Heads Coalition offers arguments against the IPCC consensus
  • The Marshall Institute gathers conservative-motivated arguments
  • Greenpeace, Environmental Defense, and the National Resources Defense Council, environmental activist organizations, have basic climate change information, news, and programs for action, including 20 simple steps you can take
  • Hundreds of links from ClimateArk.
  • You can help scientists predict climate! Put your PC's idle time to use by joining the team at
  • Two books on current science:

  • Houghton, John. 1997. Global Warming: The Complete Briefing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2nd ed.
        *A good factual summary, although already dated
  • Langholz, Jeffrey, and Kelly Turner. 2003. You Can Prevent Global Warming (and Save Money!): 51 Easy Ways. Kansas City, MO: Andrews McMeel.
        *Steps you can take

    For the history, here are some useful printed works:

  • Christianson, Gale E. 1999. Greenhouse: The 200-year Story of Global Warming. New York: Walker.
  • Edwards, Paul N. 2000. "A brief history of atmospheric general circulation modeling." In General Circulation Model Development, edited by D. A. Randall. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
  • Fleagle, Robert G. 1992. "From the International Geophysical Year to global change. "Reviews of Geophysics 30: 305-13.
  • Fleming, James R. 1998. Historical Perspectives on Climate Change. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Handel, Mark David, and James S. Risbey. 1992. "An annotated [historical] bibliography on the greenhouse effect and climate change." Climatic Change 21: 97-255.
  • Imbrie, John, and Katherine Palmer Imbrie. 1986. Ice Ages: Solving the Mystery. Rev. Ed. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Jones, M.D.H., and A. Henderson-Sellers. 1990. "History of the greenhouse effect. "Progress in Physical Geography 14: 1-18.
  • Kellogg, William W. 1987. "Mankind's impact on climate: The evolution of an awareness." Climatic Change 10: 113-36.
  • Miller, Clark A., and Paul N. Edwards, eds. 2001. "Changing the atmosphere. Expert knowledge and environmental governance." Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Nebeker, Frederik. 1995. Calculating the Weather: Meteorology in the 20th Century. New York: Academic Press.
  • O'Riordan, Tim, and Jill Jäger. 1996. "The history of climate change science and politics." In Politics of Climate Change: A European Perspective, edited by T. O'Riordan and J. Jäger. London: Routledge.
  • Rodhe, Henning, and Robert Charlson, eds. 1998. The Legacy of Svante Arrhenius. Understanding the Greenhouse Effect. Stockholm: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
  • Schneider, Stephen H., and Randi Londer. 1984. The Co-evolution of Climate and Life. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books.
  • Stevens, William K. 1999. The Change in the Weather: People, Weather and the Science of Climate. New York: Delacorte Press.
  • Weart, Spencer R. The Discovery of Global Warming. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003 -Short narrative version of this Website - reviews here.

    copyright© 2003-2004 Spencer Weart & American Institute of Physics

  • history of global warming history of climate science greenhouse effect history