
 16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   

I consider the results of the statistic study, included in MeMint, with the longitudinal data of the Young Adulthood Study, 1939-1967 to be conclusive about the genetic influence on intelligence (r2 till 0,99), the significance of the less powerful gene, important functionalities of the sexual diversification and about the existence of a teleological evolution.
In other words, most of the main previsions of the GTCEL.

Statistical Annexe

 16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   

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GTCEL free e-book (zip format)




Translate     Last update:   September 2002


. Introduction.  


. Concepts of evolution, life and vital impulse systems.  



. Critic of the previous theories.  



. The evolution of life.  



. GTCEL - Definition, characteristics and conclusions.  



. Validation of the theory.  



.   Computer simulation.



. Theory implications.  



. Apendix.  



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This is a translation of a reduce version of the GTCEL e-book. (The full version is in Spanish)
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© 2002, José Molina

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NOTE: The model of the inheritance of intelligence has been validated using the longitudinal data set of the Young Adulthood Study, 1939-1967. . (r2 = 0,96 and highers)





This explanation allows us to make a initial critical analysis of these theories.

The evolution theory based on environmental factors, and summarised in the sentence the function creates the organ, is considered valid but not general.

It should be adjusted when related to the controls imposed by nature to avoid the effective development of modified characters as a result of non-permanent environmental changes using external verification.

Also, it is too simple for the knowledge of our days. It only adds a portion of the ideas need to explain the complexity of the evolution dynamic.


Darwin's theory of natural selection is the main explanation for the disappearance of genetic modifications, which are not good enough in terms of adaptation, but it does not refer to the cause of the modifications, nor does it refer to the processes which carry out modifications.

Without a doubt, the main contribution of Darwin's theory has been to anthropology.

At the same time, we must realise that the Darwin's theory is a tautological theory, what exists is because has survived.

Darwin, himself, realised that natural selection was not the only way of evolving, but failed to determined the real function of sexual differentiation.

Even it is not Darwin's fault, his theory it is a bit conservative, "The system" is very happy saying to individuals: "you must adapt to me, it is the way life works!"

Finally, the main critic to Natural Selection theory is that it is simply impossible that the so complex system of live could evolve by chance.

Only using the long term, where we loose the perspective of logic, while talking about different physical scales, where we loose perspective of logic, has been possible to accept this theory.


The basic concepts of dominant and recessive genes of Mendel's theory lose their sense and, anyway, become absolutely inappropriate. The so-called recessive gene is in fact the more powerful and evolved of the two, in those cases where verification is one of the conditions associated with the transmitted information.

Furthermore, the genes do not disappear in the new being and the new being does not create them later. On the contrary, they continuously exist and their development in time is the real evolutionary system, as the gene combination is only a method to accelerate genetic development and does not produce any evolution by itself.


Neodarwinism is the theory based on the development of science and only declares that variations of living beings are produced in their germinal states, when the real problem is when these variations in genetic information are produced and the associated conditions needed to achieve effective development, even after several generations.

Modern molecular biology is discovering the way in which nature carries out genetic verification and other controls, without knowing the reasons behind them, by studying the behavior of DNA.

Finally, to quote scientists from the Center for Demographic and Population Genetic at Texas University: Men go through more genetic mutations because they produce more sperm than women ovules.




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