
 16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   

I consider the results of the statistic study, included in MeMint, with the longitudinal data of the Young Adulthood Study, 1939-1967 to be conclusive about the genetic influence on intelligence (r2 till 0,99), the significance of the less powerful gene, important functionalities of the sexual diversification and about the existence of a teleological evolution.
In other words, most of the main previsions of the GTCEL.

Statistical Annexe

 16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   

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GTCEL free e-book (zip format)




Translate     Last update:   September 2002


. Introduction.  


. Concepts of evolution, life and vital impulse systems.  



. Critic of the previous theories.  



. The evolution of life.  



. GTCEL - Definition, characteristics and conclusions.  



. Validation of the theory.  



.   Computer simulation.



. Theory implications.  



. Apendix.  



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This is a translation of a reduce version of the GTCEL e-book. (The full version is in Spanish)
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© 2002, José Molina

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NOTE: The model of the inheritance of intelligence has been validated using the longitudinal data set of the Young Adulthood Study, 1939-1967. . (r2 = 0,96 and highers)




This theory can be classified from different points of view:

  • Philosophical and scientific.

Every theory has a philosophical substrate. In this case, the philosophical part is explicitly presented and its scientific side is also well define because there are proposed certain empiric methods to be validated.

  • Teleological and orthogenetic.

As a orthogenetic theory for admitting internal factors and teleological because assigns a finality to evolution. I am aware of this while formulating the theory, but those characteristics are important, nice and they could be very certain. Nevertheless, from a scientific point of view is irrelevant if the aim of evolution is to amplify freedom or not.

  • General.

As it is a general theory, at no time does it disagree with the established theories; quite the contrary, those theories form part of this general theory by way of point 3, as particular cases, as a consequence of different evolutionary conditions. In most superior evolutionary processes, genetic changes are certain to appear, due to environmental influences, random elements, trial and error processes, changes already verified and natural and sexual selection will be present, as well as a genetic interchange from progenitors.

  • Continuous and revolutionary simultaneously.

Continuous because its proposals include the ideas of the previous theories of evolution, specially the theories of Lamarck and Mendel.

Revolutionary because the new theory suppose a qualitative change in the concept of evolution of life and of any system with a vital impulse.

  • Intuitive and related to complex systems.

For the scientific method used to propose the theory, this one can be classified as those using the hypothetic -deductive method or the method of validation of hypotheses. This method is typically use by theories that modify previous theories related to complex systems and the intuition is a big source of their suggestions.

  • Methodological.

For the development of this theory has been used a methodology that may be it is not new, but very consistent with the idea of evolution, specially of those complex systems having a vital impulse.

  • Multidisciplinary.

As any theory of evolution, this one affects a wide range of other disciplines. Furthermore, to validate the theory will be necessary to use the knowledge of various disciplines

  • Provisional.

Bearing in mind that it has not been proved yet, the theory it is considered provisional. An important thing is to remark that Darwin's theory of natural selection was never proved and it has been updated along the time.




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