
 16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   

I consider the results of the statistic study, included in MeMint, with the longitudinal data of the Young Adulthood Study, 1939-1967 to be conclusive about the genetic influence on intelligence (r2 till 0,99), the significance of the less powerful gene, important functionalities of the sexual diversification and about the existence of a teleological evolution.
In other words, most of the main previsions of the GTCEL.

Statistical Annexe

 16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   

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GTCEL free e-book (zip format)




Translate     Last update:   September 2002


. Introduction.  


. Concepts of evolution, life and vital impulse systems.  



. Critic of the previous theories.  



. The evolution of life.  



. GTCEL - Definition, characteristics and conclusions.  



. Validation of the theory.  



.   Computer simulation.



. Theory implications.  



. Apendix.  



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This is a translation of a reduce version of the GTCEL e-book. (The full version is in Spanish)
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© 2002, José Molina

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NOTE: The model of the inheritance of intelligence has been validated using the longitudinal data set of the Young Adulthood Study, 1939-1967. . (r2 = 0,96 and highers)




This theory will help to understand oneself much better, not only referring to the idea of evolution of life but to our inherited capacities like intelligence and memory. If the theory is right, these capacities are mainly inherited capacities.

At the same time, to know better certain basic characteristics of a person it can help personal relations, especially familiar relations.

Another consequence of this theory will be the better understanding of the different role of a person depending on its sex. Still there are lots of people thinking that the differences between boys and girls are due to the education and environment.

First of all, the personal strategy related to the education till the superior educational levels will be affected by the knowledge mentioned in the previous point.

It is important to note that studying is not the only way a acquiring formation and that depending on personal capacities can be more adequate not to try to follow the superior educational levels mention.

If the behaviour of logic, intelligence, intuition, memory and other cerebral functions is like the theory allows us to imagine, the whole educational system will need to be reorganise in certain extend to take advantage of the new knowledge.

Historical facts can allow the analysis of evolution following the methodology for the vital impulse systems.

Regarding the different races of the human specie, the theory states that they are clearly beneficial in the long term, and that they could work like sexual differentiation versus evolution in line.

May be, will be easier to understand why the Egypt empire lasted for 4000 years and the Greek and Roman between 6 and 8 centuries. Also, that they were substituted by societies with a much lower technology and culture.

Another subject could be to think about the new conditions hat allow the French Revolution to happened at its time.

Other example is the evolution of languages because they behave like living beings.

Regardless of the consequences of the GTCEL in the science and technological ambits for establishing a logic and coherent base to the development of biology and genetics, the GTCEL implies a new methodology to study complex systems.

The instrumental objectives that any vital impulse system must have could allow the application of this methodology to discovered important patterns of the behaviour of those systems.

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