
 16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   

I consider the results of the statistic study, included in MeMint, with the longitudinal data of the Young Adulthood Study, 1939-1967 to be conclusive about the genetic influence on intelligence (r2 till 0,99), the significance of the less powerful gene, important functionalities of the sexual diversification and about the existence of a teleological evolution.
In other words, most of the main previsions of the GTCEL.

Statistical Annexe

 16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   16.11.2002   

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GTCEL free e-book (zip format)




Translate     Last update:   September 2002


. Introduction.  


. Concepts of evolution, life and vital impulse systems.  



. Critic of the previous theories.  



. The evolution of life.  



. GTCEL - Definition, characteristics and conclusions.  



. Validation of the theory.  



.   Computer simulation.



. Theory implications.  



. Apendix.  



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This is a translation of a reduce version of the GTCEL e-book. (The full version is in Spanish)
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© 2002, José Molina

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NOTE: The model of the inheritance of intelligence has been validated using the longitudinal data set of the Young Adulthood Study, 1939-1967. . (r2 = 0,96 and highers)




The following paragraphs present the main ideas of the theory:

The new fundamental development in genetics is the idea of the evolution as an internal mechanism of improvement of living beings, that is transmitted to descendants and that, given the complexity of the aspects involved, use many systems, methods or procedures depending on each case based on its particular conditions.

The theory can be summarised as follows:

    • The main characteristic of life is Freedom.

    • All life has an intrinsic tendency to widen the sphere of freedom using evolution.

    • There are many evolutionary systems, methods or processes and their configuration depends on specific conditions in each individual case.

The concept of freedom is used in its widest sense and means the possibility of overcoming or freeing oneself from the bounds of nature's laws of physics.

Although this concept is very important, it is not essential to the theory in its scientific side or validity.

The term "conditional evolution" refers to, not that evolution comes because life needs to adapt to conditions to survive, but that life by mean of evolution generates improvements to be more independent of the environmental conditions and restrictions.

This term refers not only to the environmental conditions and restrictions but also to those conditions derived from the internal logic and dynamic of any system in evolution.

Point three could seem too general. This is due to the fact that explanation of the whole variety of methods used by nature would mean not only that presentation of the theory in a brief concise manner would be impossible, but also that the list would be too long and incomplete. The two important ideas are however reflected: the variety of methods and conditions.

Genes are codified compressed information for the development of the new being. When the information is delivered, both the information itself is communicated and, obviously, the form in which it should be decoded and used.

The causes of conditional evolution can be studied by distinguishing between conditions imposed by exogenous or environmental factors and endogenous conditions, derived from the dynamics of any evolutionary system.

    a) Endogenous causes:

    • Guaranty and Security.

    • Dominance of the species over the individual.

    • Equal form of the species.

    • Internal Cohesion or compatibility of the evolutionary system.

    • Maximisation of evolution. 

    b) Exogenous causes:

    • Shortage of resources.

    • The function creates the organ.




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