BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2011
This workbook contains information presented in the 2011
BP Statistical Review of World Energy, which can be found on the
internet at:
Please use the contents or the tabs at the bottom to navigate between the tables.
Oil: Proved reserves
Oil: Proved reserves - barrels (from 1980)
Oil: Production – barrels (from 1965)
Oil: Production – tonnes (from 1965)
Oil: Consumption – barrels (from 1965)
Oil: Consumption – tonnes (from 1965)
Oil: Regional consumption – by product group (from 1965)
Oil: Spot crude prices 
Oil: Crude prices since 1861
Oil: Refinery capacities (from 1965)
Oil: Refinery throughputs (from 1980)
Oil: Regional refining margins (from 1992)
Oil: Trade movements (from 1980)
Oil: Inter-area movements 
Oil: Imports and exports 
Gas: Proved reserves
Gas: Proved reserves - bcm (from 1980)
Gas: Production – bcm (from 1970)
Gas: Production – bcf (from 1970)
Gas: Production – Mtoe (from 1970)
Gas: Consumption – bcm (from 1965)
Gas: Consumption – bcf (from 1965)
Gas: Consumption – Mtoe (from 1965)
Gas trade movements
Gas: Trade movements LNG
Gas: Trade movements  pipeline
Gas: Prices 
Coal: Reserves
Coal: Prices
Coal: Production - tonnes (from 1981)
Coal: Production - Mtoe (from 1981)
Coal: Consumption - Mtoe (from 1965)
Nuclear Energy – Consumption  TWh (from 1965)
Nuclear Energy – Consumption  Mtoe (from 1965)
Hydroelectricity – Consumption  TWh (from 1965)
Hydroelectricity – Consumption Mtoe (from 1965)
Renewables - Other renewables consumption Twh (from 1990)
Renewables - Other renewables consumption Mtoe (from 1990)
Renewables - Biofuels production - barrels (from 2000)
Renewables - Biofuels production - Ktoe (from 2000)
Primary Energy: Consumption Mtoe (from 1965)
Primary Energy: Consumption by fuel type Mtoe
Electricity Generation  TWh (from 1990)
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Renewable Energy - Geothermal (Installed capacity)
Renewable Energy - Solar (Installed capacity)
Renewable Energy - Wind  (Installed capacity)
Approximate conversion factors